[cmake] Call Stack (most recent call first): [cmake] /Users/romanvg/dev/esp-idf/tools/cmake/build.cmake:402 (__build_check_python) [cmake] /Users/romanvg/dev/esp-idf/tools/cmake/project.cmake:396 (idf_build_process) [cmake] CMakeLists.txt:6 (project) [cmake] [cmake] And...
打开命令面板(Ctrl + Shift + P),输入 “Java: Create Java Project”,并选择以下选项: No build tools | Maven | Gradle 1. 选择适合自己需求的项目工具,如果是初学者,建议选择“No build tools”。 步骤5: 编写 Java 代码 在项目文件夹下,创建一个新的 Java 文件,例如Main.java。在文件中输入以下代码:...
打开vsc控制台(Help > Toggle Developer Tools > Console) 在控制台写代码,查询模块方法。 过程如下图: vsc是用atom-shell(现在叫electron)写的,这玩意和node-webkit(现在叫nw.js)一样,都是把node.js和chrome结合起来的工具,所以可以这么使用。 不过vsc使用到的node.js模块并不多,比如引用util和vm等会报错,用...
也就是Github上的这个问题:[BUG] C# Dev Kit still Downloading the .NET Runtime when i Using configured · Issue #396 · microsoft/vscode-dotnettools (github.com) 根据开发者的回复,目前只能由用户自己配置VSC的setting.json。 通过配置告诉VSC的C#插件:“我已经装了Runtime了,憋再每次打开都折磨我了。...
Executing task: cmake -G Ninja -DPYTHON_DEPS_CHECKED=1 -DESP_PLATFORM=1 -B c:\esp32-Proj\WSS_SERVER_AND_UI_INTEGRATION_S3_16-05-2022\build -S c:\esp32-Proj\WSS_SERVER_AND_UI_INTEGRATION_S3_16-05-2022 -- Found Git: C:/.espressif/tools/idf-git/2.30.1/cmd/git.exe (found vers...
CMake Tools 861K Microsoft Extended CMake support in Visual Studio Code FREE phpcs 827K Ioannis Kappas PHP CodeSniffer for Visual Studio Code FREE Remote Development 818K Microsoft An extension pack that lets you open any folder in a container, on a remote machine, or in WSL and take advan...
假设问题与我一直在工作的 firebase-tools 有关,但现在已经更新了 vue.js 并在尝试在 powershell 中运行任何 vue 命令时再次出现错误: vue : File C:\Users\mada7\AppData\Roaming\npm\vue.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Executio...
We partnered with unicorn startup HoneyBook to build the category leader in fintech services for freelancers. We developed award-winning data and insights to empower the creative economy with fair wage insights and legal protections. Learn more ...
// Resolved by CMake Tools: "program": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": true, "MIMode": "gdb", "setupCommands": [ ...
配置vscode 安装mono-debug , C# 扩展 新建一个C#文件夹, 成为你的工作区 按下 command(ctrl)+shift+P 输入task 回车 建立tasks.json文件 复制以下内容到tasks.json 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"version":"2.0.0",// 该命令需要在系统变量内定义"tasks":[{"label":"build","command":"mcs","type":"she...