SpeedSoft公司开发出VSampler DXi软件合成器/采样器,支持多种现有采样格式(16/24-bit WAV,16/24-bit AIF,AKAI S-1000,S-3000,AKAI S5000/S6000 AKP文件,LM4 drumkits,SF2 SoundFonts,TerraTec's TTI instruments),音频质量24-bit/96KHz,64复音。可以供各种兼容DXi的Windows软件如SONAR, Home Studio 2002, P...
SpeedSoft has updatedVSamplerto v3.52. Changes: Added: General MIDI 1 compatibility when "GM Mode" is enabled (Options --> MIDI Preferences --> Bank Options): Volume reset to 100 instead of 127 (GM mode only). MIDI controller 11 (Expression) supported by default (GM mode only). MIDI ...
I uninstalled Sonar 4, and as I predicted, VSampler 3.5RC remains unusable in Sonar 3. The Sonar 4 installation changed *something* in the registry of system files which made a working (and paid for) DXi fail, even after the un-install. I should have known better than to buy the ...
Speedsoft公司专门为VSampler制作了新的网站:http://www.virtual-sampler.de/ 在这里,他们还免费提供了VSampler 3 alpha版,metamorphosis of a sawwave和bread&butter and effects demo两个DEMO版的bank。而且网站上有非常详细的说明。 不过醉翁之意不在酒,他们此举好象还是要拉拢Emagic的PC用户使用他们的VSampler...
Pro Tools 专家国际认证全程班开启报名,4 月假期北京线下等你加入 颠覆传统排练模式:Wolff Audio MEMORE 让灵感永不褪色的「时光保险柜」 Maz Sound Tools VSampler musiXboy添加于2005-02-11· 分享到微信 产品信息 插件格式:VSTi 2.xDXi 功能类型:采样器 ...
RE: Sonar 4 Breaks VSampler 3.5RC - Even for Sonar 3!October 30, 04 3:41 PM(permalink) The bottom line seems to be that if the Gods are with you Hi Kevin,,, I'm still using 3.1.1 but I'll check with the sonar4 demo,, When I in-stalled the V-sampler 3.5 Rc,, I couldn...
However, using the Sonar 4 distribution of the Cakewalk VST Adapter, I *can* load and use VSampler 3.5 as a VSTi. What's *really* strange, though, is that if I go back to Sonar 3.1.1 on the same system, I now get errors trying to use VSampler 3.5 as a DXi there as well!