#if _MSVC_LANG > 201703L #include #endif #if _MSC_VER == 1937 #pragma message("CL 1937") #else #endif int main() { SourceLoc l1; std::cout << l1.file << std::endl; // Prints Header.h in /std:c++14 && /std:c++17. /std:c++20 prints M...
2.在使用到中文的.h头文件和.cpp源文件中 最上面加上这段代码 #if _MSC_VER >= 1600 // MSVC2015 > 1899, MSVC_VER = 14.0 #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") #endif 就可以解决乱码问题 第一步还有个小问题就是,我们如何改变vs中文件的保存格式,因为默认是按照系统默认来保存的 这里需要用到...
#if_MSC_VER >= 1600// MSVC2015 > 1899, MSVC_VER = 14.0#pragmaexecution_character_set("utf-8")#endif#include"widget.h"#include<qboxlayout.h>#include#include#include<qfiledialog.h>#include#include#include<qtextedit.h>#include<iostream>using namespacestd; Widget::Widget(QWidget* parent) :Q...
code which checks the _MSC_VER predefined macro and assumes that all Visual Studio 2022 versions of MSVC having a value below 1940 will need to be updated.
There was an update to visual studio 2022 on the 09/08 (v17.3.0, vc ver 14.29.30133) which has caused linker errors with target x86_64-uwp-windows-msvc for my UWP crate which was fine in the last version. I also make builds with the aarc...
第一个是笔者电脑上安装了完整VS2015得到的bat文件; 默认文件位置供参考:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat 此处笔者想添加MSVC2017的64位编译器,按照下图填写: 3.2 传入脚本文件参数 -vcvars_ver=14.16 填好后点击Apply,然后切换到Kits...
使用QT的msvc进行编译遇到编译错误、中文乱码问题。 方法一:(亲测有效) 1、如果编码是utf-8无bom,在pro中的添加的是 msvc:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-execution-charset:utf-8 msvc:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-source-charset:utf-8 1. 2. 则编译通过,且运行时中文正常 ...
( MSVC ) set_property( DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT ${PROJECT_NAME} ) endif() list ( APPEND PRJ_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_std_23 ) add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ) target_sources( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE main.cpp ) target_include_directories ( ${...
Expand Up@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ project(msvc_standard_libraries LANGUAGES CXX) include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) check_cxx_source_compiles([=[ #include <sdkddkver.h> static_assert(WDK_NTDDI_VERSION >=NTDDI_WIN10_CO, "Inspecting WDK_NTDDI_VERSION, the Windows SDK version."); ...
编辑nginx\auto\lib\openssl\makefile.msvc文件: 找到“VC-WIN32”替换为“VC-WIN64A” “if exist ms\do_ms.bat”替换为“if exist ms\do_win64a.bat” “ms\do_ms”替换为“ms\do_win64a” 由于Nignx没有提供相关配置项改变缺省banner,所以我们需要改变源码,然后重编译和重新安装一下, 具体操作: ...