Find and replace bytes in byte array. Find certificate by it's thumbprint Find difference between two xml's of same structure Find FileName With Wildcard Find if a date is within range of dates. Find Interpolation Value Between Two Arrays in Visual C# Find match words inside compiled dll...
We have updated the .NET SDKs to 6.0.106 and 3.1.420. The .NET 5.0.X SDK that ships within Visual Studio 2019 for Mac is no longer supported, and will no longer receive security updates. The accompanying 3.1.X runtime is still in support, and will continue to receive security updates...
We fixed an issue whereSearch and Replace buttons were disabled in Find in Files when a solution was selected. Source Code Editing We have removed the obsolete"Interpret tab keystroke as reindent command" setting which is not supported by the native editor. ...
If you right click the columns in the results window (either from Find in Files or Find All References), there is a “Lock column widths” option. If that option is checked, your widths should be permanently maintained and you should get the experience you’re suggesting here. P...
We have updated the .NET SDKs to 6.0.106 and 3.1.420. The .NET 5.0.X SDK that ships within Visual Studio 2019 for Mac is no longer supported, and will no longer receive security updates. The accompanying 3.1.X runtime is still in support, and will continue to receive security updates...
which works fairly well, even though it is using Ant instead of Gradle, I find that it has suited all of my needs so far. That being said, I’m going to drop some tips here on how to make the development process a bit more friendly to be able to interact via JNI and native code...
string sub-command REGEX, mode REPLACE failed to compile regex "^D:/qt_project/PaddleC++/Paddle-release-2.6/Paddle/". Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/generic.cmake:381 (find_phi_modules) paddle/fluid/inference/capi_exp/CMakeLists.txt:18 (cc_library) ...
There is #include "windows.h" somewhere in your stdafx.h. Replace it with afxwin.h, include afxinet.h after that and set "this project uses MFC" in project settings; then try to build. found something in this link ...
This is a stowed exception, which means that there’s a stored callstack and exception in that. The next time it crashes on your machine, you should be able to find the randomly generated dump that Windows Error Reporting generates. There is a channel 9 video that talks more about it: ...
People still using an Intel iMac will find things have moved on considerably, and that an upgrade will make a lot of changes to their computing setup. While Apple Silicon has been in use since 2020, there will still be a lot of Mac users who have stayed on Intel throughout. Analysts ...