找到D:\Boost\1.6.1\Src\boost_1_61_0\tools\build\src\tools\mpi.jam文件,修改mpi.jam文件如下: 注:boost项目对微软的MPI似乎很久没管了,所以需要修改一下相关参数,才能正确应用MS-MPI 5 打开 VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt 本文使用VS2013,编译64位的boost. 切换到boost源码目录,cd /d “D:...
从开始菜单打开VS的Tools Command Prompt进行编译。我编译的是VS2013的x86版本。...所以打开VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt。 3。 使用cd命令切换目录到到解压好的Boot。运行bootstrap.bat命令,会生成一个b2.exe。...因为我的是VS2013对应的就是msvc-12.0。根据自己的实际情况调整。编译好了以后,打开VS...
打开vs2013的命令行工具 ,中文名称是: VS2013 x64 本机工具命令提示,对应的英文名称是:"VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" 编译命令:configure-opensource-nomake demos-nomake examples-platform win32-msvc2013 如果需要编译webkit则 configure -opensource -nomake demos -nomake examples -platform win32...
Windows IoT on Raspberry Pi doesn't yet have native support for a hardware real time clock. I've created a solution for getting Windows IoT to initialize its clock from RTC at bootup so that other solutions don't need to be modified to read from the RTC directly. Additions on a Bootst...
2. Open a Visual Studio x64 (or x32) Native Tools Command Prompt window from the Visual Studio installation directory and compile the cmdll.c file by typingcl /LD cmdll.cat the command prompt. 3. In the same directory, create the following C# file and name it cm.cs: ...
public enum VSPROFILERPROCESSARCHTYPE Members 展开表 Member nameDescription ARCH_UNKNOWN The architecture type is unknown. ARCH_X64 The processor architecture uses 64-bit data. ARCH_X86 The processor architecture uses 32-bit data. See Also Reference Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace中文...
3. Open a Visual Studio x64 (or x32) Native Tools Command Prompt window from the Visual Studio installation directory and compile the cm.cs file by typing: csc cm.cs (for the x64 command prompt) —or—csc /platform:x86 cm.cs (for the x32 command prompt) This will create the executab...
3. Open a Visual Studio x64 (or x32) Native Tools Command Prompt window from the Visual Studio installation directory and compile the cm.cs file by typing:csc cm.cs (for the x64 command prompt) —or—csc /platform:x86 cm.cs (for the x32 command prompt)...
Choose the x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt to use the 32-bit native toolset to target x64 processors. Choose the ARM Cross Tools Command Prompt to use the 32-bit native toolset to target ARM processors. Choose the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt to use the 64-bit native toolset to target...
2. 点击:开始——>Visual Studio Tools(开启了相关文件夹)——>使用"管理员方式"打开VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt,在其中cd进入openssl的解压文件夹中,运行命令,生成openssl库 vcvarsall.bat x64 perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-asm –-prefix=d:\openssl-x64 ...