Thanks to some creative engineering, Roland is now able to ship the VS-2480CD with an 80GB internal hard drive—that’s more recording space than any other workstation on the market! Record an entire album (or two, or three…) without having to worry about running out of time. And even...
拥有VS-2480 ,您所得到的并不只是一台 24 音轨数字录音工作站,也同时获得了强大的 64 通道数字混音工作站,而且是直接承袭 Roland 最具革命性的 VM-7000 系列技术: 17 个自动马达推子、可唤出混音场景记忆 (Scene) 、16 个可控制 Pan 与其它声道参数的旋钮、以及内建的均衡器 (EQ) 与动态处理器 (Dynamic ...
Roland24轨24-bit音频工作站VS-2480 VS-2480为Roland推出的24轨桌面型24-bit音频工作站,16轨可以同时录音,共有384条虚拟轨。24-bit转换器内部使用56-bit的处理以期得到最高质量的声音。采样率最高可达96KHz,64通道的数字调音台使用了7000的内核,34总线,17个马达驱动的推子,8个内置效果器。可以连接电脑键盘和鼠...
VS-2480中文说明书Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关资料。如果您下载、安装或使用了相关资料,则视为您已同意本协议的所有条款。 同时,本...
VS-2480 操作手冊 Appendices Owner's Manual Users Guide Questions and Answers Addendum Appendices Questions and Answers Users Guide Quick Links BOSS產品支援 Pro AV專業影音產品支援 GPL/LGPL 各國網站 Roland Content Store Facebook YouTube SoundCloud...
The great thing about the VS2480's assignable controls is that you shouldn't have to adjust software parameters in this way very often. The main areas where I think using a mouse is great is where you have to set up the patchbay, or where you're doing certain editing procedures, and ...
These are the drivers needed to control popular software programs from the VS-2480. Roland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising...
there is a line in the Plug-in Information page that reads 'Available On VS2480: LCD & VGA'. Call me suspicious, but this kind of hints to me that 'Available On VS2480: VGA Only' is a possible option here, so my advice last month to spend the money you would have used for a ...