1 Windows Kit位置 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10 2 VS2019中build脚本位置 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\ 3 vcvars vcvarsall.bat [architecture] [platform_type] [winsdk_version] [-vcvars_ver=vcversion] [spectre_mode] 各个参数介绍如下...
在vs中设定或修改c++的版本 修改后.vcxproj文件中的PlatformToolset会发生改变,比如我从 方法:选中Project - 右键选择【属性】-- 在打开的窗口中,找到【c/c++ 】- 【所有选项】 - 即可看到【c++语言标准】,从下拉列表中选择一项 注:此图截自vs2017 在vs中修改c++的版本 vs不同版本对应的PlatformToolset(平台工...
在vs中设定或修改c++的版本# 修改后.vcxproj文件中的PlatformToolset会发生改变,比如我从 方法:选中Project - 右键选择【属性】-- 在打开的窗口中,找到【c/c++ 】- 【所有选项】 - 即可看到【c++语言标准】,从下拉列表中选择一项 注:此图截自vs2017 vs不同版本对应的PlatformToolset(平台工具集)# Visual Studio...
Visual Studio toolset v144 doesn't exist, updating to Visual Studio 17.10 will make XMake fail to generate vs projects with the following error: The builds tools for v144 (Platform Toolset = 'v144') cannot be found. To build using the v144 build tools, either click the Project menu or...
本质上来说,Platform ToolSet(平台工具集)是用来构建程序的,而 Target Platform Version(这里等同于 Windows SDK)是用来面向你要运行的 Windows 版本的 参考资料:《关于VS项目属性: Target Platform Version 和 Platform ToolSet - BensonLaur (cnblogs.com)》 ...
<ImportCondition="Exists('$(WindowsSdkDir)\DesignTime\CommonConfiguration\Neutral\UAP\10.0.18362.0\UAP.desktop.arm.props') and ('$(PlatformToolset)' == 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' or '$(PlatformToolset)' == 'WindowsUserModeDriver10.0' or '$(Pl...
But when I tried to build the whole project, while linking, it shows that, some libraries are compiled with older toolset. And I don't have the source code of that library. So I have abandoned the hope for upgrading my code for VS2017. (Can you help me here?)...
I'm working with a very old project which was built with Visual Studio 2008 toolset.I wanted to upgrade my project for Visual Studio 2017. So I have made all the necessary modifications to build all the sub projects separately. And it worked. But when I tried to build the whole proje...
MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION 1200 = VS 6.0 1300 = VS 7.0 1310 = VS 7.1 1400 = VS2005 8.0 (v80 toolset) 1500 = VS2008 9.0 (v90 toolset) 1600 = VS2010 10.0 (v100 toolset) 1700 = VS2012 11.0 (v110 toolset) 1800 = VS2013 12.0 (v120 toolset) ...
本质上来说,Platform ToolSet(平台⼯具集)是⽤来构建程序的,⽽ Target Platform Version(这⾥等同于 Windows SDK)是⽤来⾯向你要运⾏的 Windows 版本的 参考资料:《》vc版本与vs版本对应关系 vc版本与vs版本对应关系如下所⽰:Visual Studio 6 : vc6 Visual Studio 2003 : vc7 Visual ...