可以直接点击 “Select Qt version...” 链接,也可以在顶部菜单中选择:Extensions | Qt VS Tools | Qt versions 进入下图所示的 Qt 版本配置界面。 点击“Version”列表中的“+”号,即可设置特定版本的 Qt 开发环境。 先设置 Qt 5.12 的 64 位开发环境。如下图所示,我们没有看到 msvc2022_64 这样的目录,所...
3. 添加QT界面 a. 添加UI界面 b. 配置文件属性 c. 编译UI文件 d. 添加.h和.cpp文件 e. 编写代码 f. 编写main.cpp 4. 运行编译后的exe 5. Bug解决方案 bug1 bug2 0. 前置步骤 参考如下链接文章中的 前3个步骤(1:下载Qt;2:安装Qt;3:安装Qt插件),完成环境的配置和安装。 深耕AI:如何联合Qt,VS...
(minGW版本不用下,他是minGW工具编译下的QT库。QTSDK-qt-sdk-win-opensource-2010.05.exe 也不用下载,它是用QT独立进行开发下的完整软件安装包) 2,下载安装VS2008的QT集成插件:qt-vs-addin-1.1.7.exe(这个插件的1.1.5版本的,和QT4.7VS2008兼容有错误,不过我用了最新的1.1.7版本,很好用,一点问题也没有) ...
See the document here: Install Qt If you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 on 64-bit Windows, you could select MSVC 2022 64-bit under the Qt version you want to develop with. Best Regards, Tianyu If the answer is the right solution, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly ...
See the document here: Install Qt If you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 on 64-bit Windows, you could select MSVC 2022 64-bit under the Qt version you want to develop with. Best Regards, Tianyu If the answer is the right solution, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly ...
该项目一开始是QT开发的,选择的是mingw环境,研发/编译一切正常。 但因为项目后期需求,需要通过VS编译器打开。 环境:QT 5.14.2 mingw 32/64 和 VS 2022 【一站式解决方案】 · 目录索引 一、Qt 升级 MaintainTool.exe再安装新的组件包 二、Qt Creator转VS2017(VS2019)遇到'常量中有换行符' ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR) if(POLICY CMP0020) cmake_policy(SET CMP0020 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif() PROJECT(BorderWidgetQt) set(qt_components Core Gui Widgets) list(APPEND qt_components OpenGLWidgets) list(SORT qt_components) find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED CO...
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000# disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0HEADERS += \ qquickvtk.h \ qquickvtkrenderer.h ...
= 67#error"This file was generated using the moc from 5.13.2. It"#error"cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."#error"(The moc has changed too much.)"#endifQT_BEGIN_MOC_NAMESPACE QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_DEPRECATEDstructqt_meta_stringdata_QvtkDicom...
DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS msvc:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /utf-8 # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. ...