一、安装vs2019远程调试工具 首先让调试的电脑(也就是不安装vs2019的电脑),安装vs2019远程调试工具:VS_RemoteTools.exe。 网址:进行下载。https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/zh-hans/downloads/?rr=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging?view=vs-2019 安装过程非常简单,一直...
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging?view=vs-2022#download-and-install-the-remote-tools 这个是唯一的方法, 如果是非最新的版本, 就必须这样 这是具体 vs 2019 远程工具下载地址 https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/7d2ba635-6158-4675-a78b-9105037...
另外一种获取方式是下载Remote Debugger(需同操作系统的版本一致),这里不多赘述。 三、Remote Debugger的配置 Remote Debugger支持远程用户身份验证方式有两种:Windows身份验证(默认方式),和无身份验证。 在Remote Debugger文件下找到msvsmon.exe,使用管理员身份运行。点击Tools,查看配置。 使用Windows身份验证,确认Permissions...
2. 选择【Tools】->【Options】设置Debugger参数 这两步后目标机上的设置就完成了,下面介绍调试机上的设置: 调试机: 1. 打开VS2008,打开启动工程属性,在Debugging选项页内,做如下设置 注意:Remote Command 中的路径为目标机上可执行工程的路径;Remote Server Name为目标机的IP地址 设置完成后按F5即可远程调试目标...
Click on Install and you'll be prompted with UAC (User Account Control) dialog box. You need administrative privileges to install remote debugging tools. Click onYesto continue with the installation. The setup will install the necessary files and may take a moment or two. ...
On my development PC is vs2019 professional installed. I develop in C++ application for remote pc (nativ c++). If I install RemoteDebugger (RemoteTools) on remote PC and start msvcmon, and try to start my application on remote, get a lot of errors with missing dlls. ...
Remote debugging and profiling tools are not available. Managed development requires usingVisual Studio .NET multi-targetingand requires side-by-side installation of Visual Studio 2010. For more information, see:A Look Ahead at the Visual Studio 2012 Product Lineup and Platform Support.Not applicable...
(1) C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger X86 或X64 文件夹考入到虚拟机中。 (2)运行 msvsmon (3)tools >>options Authentication mode(验证模式)可选择》 windows authentication(身份验证)或no authentication (native only)无认证(仅本地) ...
这是可以从驱动程序的项目点右键—》选择属性菜单—》选择调试选项—》在右边要启动的调试器上选择Debugging Tools for windows –KernelDebugger—》在Remote Computer Name上点击配置,就会出现配置窗口,界面如下: 点击Add New Devide添加提个测试主机,在出现的界面上填写测试目标主机的显示名称,设备类型(计算机设备或移动...
Workspace and External tools integration Save memory blocks from Minidumps Supports remote debugging sessions Works with Visual Studio for ARM Works with ARM programs while debugging Works with x64 programs running emulated on ARM64EC Works with x86/x64 targets Compatible with any programming...