Mplayerc下的Debug Unicode目录会生成mplayerc.exe。 运行,会出现以下图示,到此Media Player Classic编译成功。
右击,选择项 媒体播放器 Windows Media Player 导入成功
0 登录进行投票 我想用vs2005开发一个windows media player 10 mobile 的后台插件 我使用的是 windows mobile 6.1 + vs2005 + Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vista(包含wmp 11 sdk) 并按照Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vis...
VSPlayer for Macis avideo stream player for Hikvision productsthat allows users to play and edit recorded video files and Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) live view. With user-friendly GUI, the software provides an intuitive, convenient way for playing media file and video control, and supp...
This documentation describes the Microsoft Windows Media Player Software Development Kit (SDK). The Windows Media Player SDK is one of the components of the Microsoft Windows SDK. Other media components include the Microsoft Media Foundation SDK, the Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK, and the Micros...
Media Player Classic 是一款免費實用程序,可為 32 位元和 64 位元 Microsoft Windows 提供電影播放功能。它看起來就像 Windows Media Player v6.4,但具有許多附加功能。您可以將播放器用作媒體播放器經典家庭劇院。 它具有內建的 MPEG-2 視訊編解碼器和 LPCM、MP2、AC3 和 DTS 音訊編解碼器,還包含改進的 MPEG...
Click OK. The Windows Media Player control will be placed on the current Toolbox tab.You can now select Windows Media Player in the Toolbox and add it to a form.Visual Studio gives the Windows Media Player control a default name such as "axWindowsMediaPlayer1". You may want to change ...
KMPlayerMedia Player Classic:StormPlayer 不推荐暴风影音.因为前一阵子出现的暴风影音遭封禁!原因是因为其强制安装流氓插件事件,让我对这个播放器的印象很糟.而VeryCD社区在国内的贡献有目共睹,就凭口碑,StormPlayer也是MPC里面的首选. p.s.经过几天的折腾,KMP的确比MPC要好用一些,其它体验持续中。。。