Alt+Click Insert cursor alt+左键鼠标点击,可以添加多个光标; Ctrl+Alt+ ↑ / ↓ Insert cursor above / below 上下移动光标形成一列光标,在这一列光标前插入字符; Ctrl+U Undo last cursor operation 撤消上次光标操作,使用ctrl+u没有反应,ctrl+z能用,错否? Shift+Alt+I Insert cursor at end of each ...
因为VS Code是开源的,所以我们可以自由的访问它在Github上的开源地址: 。通过查看源代码根目录下的package.json文件,我们可以发现,VS Code其实是基于Electron这样一个专门制作跨平台桌面软件的框架而搭建的。VS Code这款软件的组成,其实是里面嵌入了一个Chrome浏览器外加一个Node....
VSCURSOR_APPSTARTING 1 Application starting cursor. VSCURSOR_COLUMNSPLIT_EW 2 Horizontal column split cursor. VSCURSOR_COLUMNSPLIT_NS 3 Vertical column split cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_COPY 4 Copy cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_DELETE 5 Delete cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_MOVE 6 Move cursor. VSCURSOR_CROSS ...
UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); #define IDBUTTON 102 /* Make the class name into a global variable */ char szClassName[ ] = "My_Virgin_App_0"; HINSTANCE g_hInst; LRESULT CALLBACK MyEventHandler_aka_WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND ...
VSCURSOR_APPSTARTING 1 Application starting cursor. VSCURSOR_COLUMNSPLIT_EW 2 Horizontal column split cursor. VSCURSOR_COLUMNSPLIT_NS 3 Vertical column split cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_COPY 4 Copy cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_DELETE 5 Delete cursor. VSCURSOR_CONTROL_MOVE 6 Move cursor. VSCURSOR_CROSS ...
editorCursor.background 编辑器光标的背景色。可以自定义块型光标覆盖字符的颜色。 editorCursor.foreground 编辑器光标的前景色。 editorError.background 编辑器中错误文本的背景色。颜色必须透明。 editorError.border 如果设置,编辑器中错误的双下划线颜色。 editorError.foreground 编辑器中错误波浪线的前景色。 editor...
On the scroll map(a special area added by CodeMAP to the left of the vertical scrollbar), blue rectangles are added to represent the member position relative to the entire code file (you can align the scroll thumb with the blue marker to bring the item into view) (can be turned off)...
CommandWindowCursorDown 12553 Command window cursor down CommandWindowCursorLeft 12554 Command window cursor left CommandWindowCursorRight 12555 Command window cursor right CommandWindowHistoryUp 12556 Command window history up CommandWindowHistoryDown 12557 Command window history down Remarks...
msotcidVBShortCutCodeWindows msotcidVBShortCutForms msotcidVBShortCutMisc msotcidVBToolBoxContextMenu msotcidVBToolBoxGroupContextMenu msotcidVBWatchContextMenu msotcidVerticalSpaceWellMenu msotcidZoomWellMenu VSStandardEditorCommands VSStandardMenus VsTextMarker Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI....
On the scroll map(a special area added by CodeMAP to the left of the vertical scrollbar), blue rectangles are added to represent the member position relative to the entire code file (you can align the scroll thumb with the blue marker to bring the item into view) (can be turned off)...