使用VS Code敲代码一段时间后,已经习惯所有的编辑都在VS Code中做。 但偶尔需要写一些简单测试代码时是需要打开iTerm2并回归Vim的,想到是否可以直接在VS Code中编辑,再在VS Code中执行测试代码呢? 是可以的,右键选择Run Python File in Terminal即可。 编辑窗口和Terminal窗口的切换,只能用鼠标,让我感觉很是不方便。
File—>Settings—> Keymap—>搜索increase或decrease 或—>双击Increase Font Size或Decrease Font Size—> 选择Add Mouse Shortcut —> Ctrl+ 鼠标滚轮上滑或下滑 批量修改变量名: 法一:选择变量 --> 右键 --> Refactor --> Rename --> 选择修改方式 --> Refactor 快捷键 Shift + F6 法二:Ctrl + ...
Visual Studio also provides tight integration between the Python code editor and the Interactive window. The Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut conveniently sends the current line of code (or code block) in the editor to the Interactive window, then moves to the next line (or block). Ctrl+Enter let...
VS Code通过插件进行功能扩展,首先安装Python的相关插件。运行VS Code,进入插件搜索页面,如下图所示: ...
Shortcut: Ctrl+oScript to run: codeParameters: $REPO最后补充一个知识点:对于Github上一个项目,可以有多种方式将它在一个外部的编辑器中快速打开。1. .: 使用按键"点"2. 1s: 手动更改URL,例如:https://github.com/vscodecool/vscodecool.github.io...
还可选择“解决方案资源管理器”窗口,再使用 Ctrl+K 或 Ctrl+` 键盘快捷方式打开“Python 环境”窗口。You can also open the Python Environments window by selecting the Solution Explorer window and using the Ctrl+K, Ctrl+` keyboard shortcut. 如果快捷方式不起作用,并且在菜单中找不到“Python 环境”窗...
Since we set it to be the default build task with the group option you can also run that task with the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+B. The build type is set to "Debug", so that the ROS nodes can be debugged later on.You can add your own additional configurations and run them with the "...
Run custom command Stop code running View output in Output Window Set default language to run Select language to run Support REPL by running code in Integrated Terminal Usages To run code: use shortcutCtrl+Alt+N or pressF1and then select/typeRun Code, ...
创建了launch.json以及tasks.json和settings.json(位于项目中的.vscode目录下),其中launch.json文件规定了启动一个在拓展开发(Extension Development)模式的VS Code进程,并且规定在VS Code启动之前会先运行tasks.json文件中所定义的task(根据tasks.json中的定义,相当于npm run compile),即先使用TypeScript的编译器将ts文...
创建了launch.json以及tasks.json和settings.json(位于项目中的.vscode目录下),其中 launch.json文件规定了启动一个在拓展开发(Extension Development)模式的VS Code进程,并且规定在VS Code启动之前会先运行tasks.json文件中所定义的task(根据tasks.json中的定义,相当于npm run compile),即先使用TypeScript的编译器将ts...