第一,采用拖拽,我们可以将一个项目目录直接拖拽入VS Code,就能让VS Code直接打开这个项目。第二,使用菜单栏选项,在Mac上是:File > Open;而在Windows上是:File > Open Folder。第三,是使用code命令,这也是我认为我们必须要学会的一个操作技巧,我们可以通过code命令直接从命令行中打开一个项目。code这个命令其实是...
Ctrl+K F Close folder 关闭文件夹; Ctrl+\ Split editor 拆分编辑器; Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 Focus into 1 st, 2nd or 3rd editor group 放到第 1组或第 2 组或第 3 编辑组,这个不会用; Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ Focus into previous/next editor group 放到先前或下一个编辑组; Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / Pg...
SFTP可以查看远程项目所有文件,但不能直接操作,必须操作本地项目文件,再同步到远程项目。 现在我们本地和远程均有一个文件夹“sftpFolder”,用VsCode打开本地文件夹“sftpFolder”,然后执行 ctrl+shift+p ,搜索 SFTP:Config ,回车后,会生成一个“.vscode/sftp.json”,这个就是配置文件。 { "name": "本地文件...
Now when I search for anything using the Search bar in the "explorer", all my folders in my explorer just disappear as if the search doesn't find anything. The "search" works if I just manually type the name of the folder in the explorer(not using the search bar). It is easer to ...
默认情况下,VS Code显示“设置”编辑器,您可以在搜索栏中找到下面列出的设置,但仍可以settings.json使用“ 打开设置”(JSON)命令或通过使用该设置更改默认设置编辑器来编辑基础文件workbench.settings.editor。 打开用户设置settings.json 键盘快捷键:Ctrl +, ...
Ctrl+K F 关闭文件夹 Close folder Ctrl+\ 拆分编辑器 Split editor Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3 聚焦到第1,第2或第3编辑器组 Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor group Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→ 聚焦到上一个/下一个编辑器组 Focus into previous/next editor group Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDown 向左/向右移动编辑...
⌘K F (^)Close folder ⌘\ (^)Split editor ⌘ 1 / ⌘2 / ⌘ (^3)Focus into 1 st, 2nd, 3rd editor group ⌘K ⌘← / ⌘K ⌘→ (^)Focus into previous/next editor group ⌘K ⇧⌘← / ⌘K ⇧⌘→Move editor left/right ...
From the File > Preferences menu or the Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) search for File Icon Theme:Initially we were going to ship with a single, simple theme called Minimal, which has folder open/closed icons as well as a single file icon for all types....
I'm using kali linux latest version.And after installing VSC, the drive paths on my desktop are opening in VSC. The paths for drives on my desktop opens just as if its a text file. Its just happing on desktop. I can access my drives from...
onWindowChange- 当焦点移出VS Code窗口时保存文件。 files.autoSaveDelay:当files.autoSave配置为时,配置延迟(以毫秒为单位)afterDelay。默认值为1000毫秒。 打开用户设置settings.json文件的方法,你可以通过在(命令面板,打开命令面板的快捷键为 F1 )输入命令:Open Settings (JSON)来打开此文件。