Search and replace - 搜索和替换 Ctrl+F Find 查找; Ctrl+H Replace 替换; F3 / Shift+F3 Find next/previous F3查找下一个,shift加F3查找上一个,我的笔记本这两个开关是调音量的; Alt+Enter Select all occurences of Find match 查找到的匹配的字符全选; Ctrl+D Add selection to next Find match 将...
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D 将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 按Press 功能 Function Alt +单击 插入光标 Insert cursor Ctr...
12、HTML Snippets 超级好用且初级的H5代码片段以及提示 13、Debug for Chrome 让vs code映射chrome的debug功能,静态页面都可以用vscode来打断点调试、配饰稍微复杂一点 14、Document this Js的注释模板 15、jQuery Code Snippets jquery提示工具 16、Html2jade html模板转pug模板 17、JS-CSS-HTML Formatter 格式化 18...
Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection按Press功能Function Alt +单击 插入光标 Insert cursor Ctrl + Alt +↑/↓ 在上/下插入光标 Insert cursor above / below ...
切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 按Press 功能Function Alt +单击 插入光标 Insert cursor Ctrl + Alt +↑/↓ 在上/下插入光标 Insert cursor above / below Ctrl + U 撤消上一个光标操作 Undo last cursor operation ...
ShellCodeWindowControl ShellTextBuffer ShellTextEditorControl ShellTextViewControl ShellWindowPaneUserControl SpecialEditorCommandEventArgs SpecialEditorCommandEventHandler SqlWorkbenchHierarchy SQLWorkbenchPackage SQLWorkbenchPackage.OptionsPage SQLWorkbenchToolsOptionsPage SQLWorkbenchToolsOptionsPa...
Code 14 Code Copy 15 Command id : "Copy". Cut 16 Command id: "Cut". Delete 17 Command id: "Delete". FontName 18 Font Name FontSize 19 Font Size Group 20 Group HorizSpaceConcatenate 21 Concatenate Horizontal Space HorizSpaceDecrease 22 Decrease Horizontal Space HorizSpaceIncrease 23...
GitLens supercharges Git inside VS Code and unlocks untapped knowledge within each repository. It helps you to visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via rich visualizations and powerful com...
cmdidRegExList cmdidReloadProject cmdidRemove cmdidRemoveFilter cmdidRename cmdidReplace cmdidReplaceInFiles cmdidRestart cmdidResume cmdidRightOuterJoin cmdidRunQuery cmdidRunToCallstCursor cmdidRunToCursor cmdidSave cmdidSaveAs cmdidSaveProjectItem cmdidSaveProjectItemAs ...
Code Formatting Regex Search and Replace Multi Cursor Edit Text Vertically with multi-cursor Keep selecting text with Ctrl+D and update over multiple locations in a file. Expanding and Shrinking Selection Shift+Alt+Left and Shift+Alt+Right Find the start and end of a long <div> in HTML Foldi...