VS Code通过插件进行功能扩展,首先安装Python的相关插件。运行VS Code,进入插件搜索页面,如下图所示: ...
终端运行文件:Python: Run Python File in Terminal 交互:Python: Run Selection/Line in Python Interactive Window。命令面板中执行,会在右侧新开的窗口中以Jupyter Book交互。文件中按shift+enter则在下方控制台交互。 交互:Python: Run Current File in Python Interactive Window 启用交互窗口:Python: Start REPL ...
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌘M (打开本项目中的所有错误) Quickly jump to errors and warnings in the project. (在窗口中选择错误快速跳转) Cycle through errors with F8 or ⇧F8.(可以使用F8和shift+F8来回切换) 2. 连按不成功 有时候,VS Code中连按按键e,会弹出一个小框,并不能连续的往后跳单词。
File—>Settings—> Keymap—>搜索increase或decrease 或—>双击Increase Font Size或Decrease Font Size—> 选择Add Mouse Shortcut —> Ctrl+ 鼠标滚轮上滑或下滑 批量修改变量名: 法一:选择变量 --> 右键 --> Refactor --> Rename --> 选择修改方式 --> Refactor 快捷键 Shift + F6 法二:Ctrl + ...
Shortcut: Ctrl+oScript to run: codeParameters: $REPO最后补充一个知识点:对于Github上一个项目,可以有多种方式将它在一个外部的编辑器中快速打开。1. .: 使用按键"点"2. 1s: 手动更改URL,例如:https://github.com/vscodecool/vscodecool.github.io...
创建了launch.json以及tasks.json和settings.json(位于项目中的.vscode目录下),其中launch.json文件规定了启动一个在拓展开发(Extension Development)模式的VS Code进程,并且规定在VS Code启动之前会先运行tasks.json文件中所定义的task(根据tasks.json中的定义,相当于npm run compile),即先使用TypeScript的编译器将ts文...
创建了launch.json以及tasks.json和settings.json(位于项目中的.vscode目录下),其中launch.json文件规定了启动一个在拓展开发(Extension Development)模式的VS Code进程,并且规定在VS Code启动之前会先运行tasks.json文件中所定义的task(根据tasks.json中的定义,相当于npm run compile),即先使用TypeScript的编译器将ts文...
To stop the running code: use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+M or press F1 and then select/type Stop Code Run or click Stop Code Run button in editor title menu or right click the Output Channel and then click Stop Code Run in context menu To select language to run, use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+J,...
Automated Testing Integration: If you’re using automated testing frameworks, the extension can help you run these tests on BrowserStack’s infrastructure directly from VS Code. This is particularly useful for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows. Debugging Support: The extensio...
Quickly Insert console.log Statements: This allows you to automatically insert a console.log statement for the selected variable, object, or function in just one click or keyboard shortcut. This saves time compared to manually typing out the console.log statement. Batch Insert console.log Statement...