首先创建docker container,这里我是用命令行创建的。然后运行autoware提供的/docker/generic/下的run.sh,即会自动创建docker container并进入到container中。此时docker --version为Docker version 20.10.18, build b40c2f6. 更新vs code到最新版本,安装docker 插件 Step 2 点击左侧任务栏的docker按钮, 可以看到显示所有...
docker container run --detach --tty--name"service***:dev"--publish-all --mount"type=bind,source=C:\[path]/[projectName].WebApi,destination=/app"--mount"type=bind,source=c:\[path],destination=/src"--mount"type=bind,source=C:\Users\[user]\.vsdbg,destination=/remote_debugger,readonly"...
因为之前的系统为Alpine ,但是有以下提示,所以从新做一个linux系统 docker search ubuntu:20.04 PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test> docker search ubuntu:20.04 NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED manishfoodtechs/xfcefulldesktop_ubuntu20.4 Full Desktop In Docker : Ubuntu:20.04 5 delta42/ubuntu-with...
Docker build 2. docker run 生成了 image 之后,我们就可以通过这个 image 来创建 container 了。此时,我们可以通过 Docker 视图的上下文菜单来生成“运行 container”,也可以从命令面板中,运行 “Docker: Run” 命令。然后 VS Code 就会询问我们想要使用哪个 image。 Docker Run 3. docker run inter...
而Remote-Container 则是将 Docker 与 VS Code 的优势融为一体的关键先生,可以使得像 Remote-SSH 登录服务器一般登录容器。 假使我们已经能够利用 Remote-SSH 进行远程开发,且服务器上有 Docker,接下来想要利用 Docker 便捷地配置深度学习环境。整个过程可以简单地分为四步: ...
VS Code has the capability to target a remote system for debugging. Couple that with a custom build task for compiling in your container and you will have an interactive containerized C++ development environment. We’ll need to change our container definition a bit to...
If you wanted to debug remote code or code running in a docker container, on the remote machine or container, you would need to modify the previous CLI command to specify a host. python -m debugpy --listen ./myscript.py ...
Docker: v1.22.0 Logs: Dev Containers Log: [57 ms] Remote-Containers 0.238.2 in VS Code 1.68.1 (30d9c6cd9483b2cc586687151bcbcd635f373630). [56 ms] Start: Resolving Remote [77 ms] Setting up container for folder or workspace: /home/fd/wireguard-http-dhcp-go [80 ms] Start: Check...
containerUser: Overrides the user all operations run as inside the container. remoteUser: Overrides the user that VS Code runs as in the container (along with sub-processes like terminals, tasks, or debugging) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) containerUser和 和有什么区别remoteUser?我...
对于客户端脚本调试,必须在浏览器中启用脚本调试。 对于在 Chrome 上调试客户端脚本,请选择“JavaScript 或 TypeScript”作为代码类型,根据应用类型的不同,可能需要关闭所有 Chrome 实例并在调试模式下启动浏览器(命令行的chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222类型)。