命名空间: Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCCodeModel 程序集: Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCCodeModel(在 Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCCodeModel.dll 中)语法C# 复制 bool IsReadOnly { get; } 属性值类型:Boolean 如果当前元素是只读元素,则为 true;否则为 false。备注...
Type: General So I can't edit a running program and when I enabled "whether to run code in integrated terminal" I could no longer run the program as another issue arose "no such file or directory" I searched and found that this may be re...
Monaco Editor 是 VS code 使用的编辑器,支持丰富的代码格式,拥有良好的可扩展性,支持代码并排对比编辑器,并且友好的支持视觉障碍人士,拥有语音播报功能,但 Monaco Editor 在移动 web 中却不支持。 功能 对以下语言支持代码感知和验证 TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JSON, HTML 对以下语法支持代码高亮...
The application name of the editor, like 'VS Code'.appRoot: stringThe application root folder from which the editor is running. Note that the value is the empty string when running in an environment that has no representation of an application root folder....
Provides the name for the debug configuration that appears in the VS Code dropdown list. type Identifies the type of debugger to use; leave this set todebugpyfor debugging Python code. request Specifies the mode in which to start debugging: ...
Build and run the application in Release mode - a crash occurs during code execution. Go to the Properties of the main.cpp file: “C/C++” -> “Optimization” -> “Inline Function Expansion” and change the value from “Default” to “Disabl...
Code This branch is243 commits behindgitkraken/vscode-gitlens:main. README Code of conduct License License GitLens — Supercharge Git in VS Code Supercharge Git and unlockuntapped knowledgewithin your repo to betterunderstand,write, andreviewcode. Focus, collaborate, accelerate. ...
Prettier extension on my VS code is unable to format HTML. On load of VS code I am getting this error in my console - On trying to format, I see this message in the bottom - Note - TS files and SCSS files are being formatted properly. It is breaking only for HTML files. ...
"source.organizeImports" code action on save won't remove unused uses, as it might not be desirable. (#1883) Added explicit code actions for "editor.codeActionsOnSave" setting: "source.source.sortImports": only sorts uses. The same as "source.organizeImports". "source.source.sortAndRemove...
Added an 'AutoHide' option in the CodeMAP popup menu for quick switch between docked and auto-hide mode Enum nodes now display the enum items as additional information Base class name is now displayed even if System.Object Some fixes