拖动solution插件到vscode第一个选项里的文件目录下空白区域 打开solution: explorer,右键点击build 选择solution: explorer内可以运行的服务,右键点击run 运行成功 如果运行失败,请关闭vscode,重新启动执行run操作即可 今天就写到这里啦~ 小伙伴们,(~ω~(~ω~〃 (~ω~〃)ゝ我们明天再见啦~~ ...
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Framework.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Framework v17.12.40391 VS specific error HRESULT for "Solution already open". C++/WinRT 复制 int VS_E_SOLUTIONALREADYOPEN = -2147213340; Field Value Value = -2147213340 ...
VS Code是由微软推出的一款免费、开源且跨平台的代码编辑器,我们可以通过它的官网:https://code.visualstudio.com 进行安装包的下载,以及阅读大量相关的帮助文档。因为VS Code是开源的,所以我们可以自由的访问它在Github上的开源地址:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode 。通过查看源代码根目录下的package.json文件...
Gets the ServiceRpcDescriptor for the open document service. Use the IBuildService interface for the client proxy for this service. (Inherited from VisualStudioServices.VS2019_7Services) CacheService Gets the ServiceRpcDescriptor for the cache feature that can be used to cache solution/folder and...
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.12.40391 Specifies a Visual Studio system color to be used with a particular visual component or use case....
首先,我们熟悉一下,VS2015的全称,“Microsoft Visual Studio 2015”,来跟我一起读。然后再看看你当前视窗的左上方的名字是什么鬼,这叫“Microsoft Blend For Studio”。 这明显你是打开的软件,不是你要打的VS2015,一个不小心,结果闹了笑话,呵呵哒。 刚开始学的菜鸟,第一次打开,出现这种逗比的错误,没什么丢脸的...
VS specific error HRESULT code returned when an attempt to do a save using RDTSAVEOPT_SileSave fails because source control requires a UI prompt in order to make the file to be saved editable. VS_E_SOLUTIONALREADYOPEN VS specific error HRESULT for "Solution already open". ...
“Visual Studio Code remains the preferred IDE across all developers, increasing its use among those learning to code compared to professional developers”, survey.stackoverflow.co/2023 And we all know why: it’s awesome. 我们都知道原因:它太棒了。
visual studio在一个解决方案(solution)中是可以添加多个项目(project)的,这多个项目之间存在两种关系:1.项目间彼此独立,各自有各自的入口,只是组织在一个解决方案中便于管理;2.项目间存在相互调用,只存在一个入口。这对于多种语言混编的管理特别方便。 第一种关系下项目间彼此独立,每个项目都有自己的入口,则同一时间...
PHP Tools for Visual Studio - VS Code ChangelogWednesday, 1 Jan 2025 (pre-release) 1.54.16610 More Laravel Support Completion and navigation of Laravel views and namespaced views. Completion of Laravel route names. Completion and navigation of components (<x-...) in Blade files. Completion...