@ohoral I'm sorry for changing the requirements so late. On February 15th, the minimum version for Code Suggestions will be 16.8. We're only a few weeks away, so let's go ahead and keep it consistent at 16.8. I'll edit the issue to reflect the version change. Let me know if ther...
Automatic parentheses completion works in combination with IntelliPHP suggestions. Improved type inferring and type checks. Improved foreach type inferring when taking advantage of generic type arguments and _ide_helper. Blade syntax highlighting for inline tags. Code formatter pretty prints PHP code in...
This reply was automagically generated by our local A.I. Think of it as a one-off attempt to instantly solve your problem. It will not respond to further replies. To get similar suggestions and autocompletion features in VS Code for Laravel Blade files, you can use a combina...
We are also observing smart innovation in the VS Code marketplace. Tabnine is a unique AI-powered code completion extension that helps to increase overall productivity. Tabnine’s free version is ideal for junior developers working alone in a big team. Tabnine Pro is an advanced version that of...
VS Code通过Intellisense系统支持代码完成/建议,该系统通过各种语言的扩展来实现。它可以很好地为您提供一个简单的列表(在HTML中称为.tree ),但是在许多情况下,显示每个选项的更多细节的系统会受到一些非常糟糕的设计/可用性的影响。 这些“建议细节”可以通过单击“树”列表右侧的“读取更多”按钮或在查看列表时再次...
Code Contributions Want to contribute to GitLens? Follow the CONTRIBUTING docs to get started. Documentation Contributions Contributions to the documentation are greatly appreciated. If you find any areas that can be improved or have suggestions for new documentation, you can submit them as pull reque...
默认情况下,VS Code显示“设置”编辑器,但您仍然可以settings.json使用“ 打开设置”(JSON)命令或使用设置更改默认设置编辑器来编辑基础文件workbench.settings.editor。 根据您的平台,用户设置文件位于: 视窗%APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json 苹果系统$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json ...
1.75 VS Code Stable - has issues with git changes not showing. 1.76 Insiders - seem to be working. Version: 1.76.0-insider Commit: c9e3ef865539061b5602c6b9ac6030332aa1ce70 Date: 2023-02-06T05:24:10.821Z Electron: 19.1.9 Chromium: 102.0.5005.194 Node.js: 16.14.2 V8:
Press F2 to rename something, and GitHub Copilot will give you some suggestions based on how that symbol is implemented and used in your code.Try this: If you don't know what to call something, don't overthink it. Just call it foo and implement it. Then hit F2 and let GitHub Co...
To help make its suggestions clearer, Copilot will try to explain why it proposed a specific fix. We have been pleased to learn that users accept suggested Copilot fixes around 60% of the time. Sometimes the fix may not be related to the source code near the light bulb and what is nee...