single_line_comment = re.compile(r"//(.*)$", re.MULTILINE) multi_line_comment = re.compile(r"/\*(.*?)\*/", re.DOTALL) Text = multi_line_comment.sub('\n', Text) Text = single_line_comment.sub('\n', Text) returnText...
我知道在VS Code Linux中插入多行注释的快捷方式Ctrl+shift+A,但它是这样插入的:my commentetc如何获得这样的评论/** * my code i want to hide*//**每次我在注释中点击" 浏览2提问于2019-09-04得票数 1 6回答 Xcode中的多行注释 在Xcode IDE中有没有一种同时注释多行的方法?选择要注释的行,然后单...
[Tip: C# commenting]Comment in C# for VS there are three types of commenting syntax in C#:multiline, single line, and XML. XML Documentation Comments In addition to providing code commenting, an XML documentation comment supports tools that extract comments into an external XML document. This X...
codegeex插件配置"Codegeex.Comment.LanguagePreference":"中文",//语言偏好"Codegeex.CompletionDelay":1,//完成延迟"Codegeex.GenerationPreference":"line by line",//生成偏好"Codegeex.UseSimilarFileForPrompt":true,//使用相似文件进行提示"Codegeex.Privacy":false,//不使用隐私"cmake.showOptionsMovedNot...
[Tip: C# commenting]Comment in C# for VS there are three types of commenting syntax in C#:multiline, single line, and XML. XML Documentation Comments In addition to providing code commenting, an XML documentation comment supports tools that extract comments into an external XML document. This ...
40 "editor.codeLens": true, 41 "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top", 42 "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd", 43 "": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe", 44 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
please explain in detail with an example... 1. what is documentation comments? 2. what is difference between multi-line comments and Documentation comments? javacommentssololearndifferencedocumentationmulti-line 6th May 2018, 1:37 PM Suraj Jha +...
实时预览扩展: VS Code 中的实时的 HTML 预览,支持 JavaScript 调试。 远程: 容器 devcontainer CLI - 用于开发容器的命令行界面。 *如果您想在线阅读这些发行说明,请访问code.visualstudio.com上的更新。 *更新 : ...
Extended PER coding style (php.format.codestyle set to per), enforcing blank line limits according to the PHP PER coding style. Resolved an issue with unwanted indentation in PHP files when using multiline template strings in javascript. #2215Debug...
"stylusSupremacy.insertNewLineAroundImports": false, // import之后是否换行 "stylusSupremacy.insertNewLineAroundBlocks": false, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true }, "eslint.codeAction.disableRuleComment": {},