这里仅为示例,详细地址以各自工程为准,当然有关git的配置这里就不详谈了。 Part 2: 在VS Code中安装Salesforce和Git插件 在VS Code中打开代码工程 安装Salesforce Extension Pack 安装Git Extension pack Part 3: 认证一个Org 打开代码工程 打开Command palette(shift+command+p/F1) SFDX: Authorize an Org 选择...
创建成功后,点击 Open in Visual Studio Code,将Clone下来的源代码在VS Code中打开 如果仓库中的代码已经是Salesforce代码仓库,显示的项目界面如下: 点击红框中的Org Set,链接Salesforce环境 在打开的浏览器窗口中输入账号密码,授权成功! 此时右键点击 manifest/package.xml ,可以看到多出 SFDX:Deploy 和 SFDX:Ret...
设置Visual Studio CodeIDE 以与 Salesforce 开发一起使用。如果在组织中使用 sfdx 方法,Salesforce 建议使用 VSCode 作为 Salesforce 开发和发布管理的首选 IDE。 安装Visual Studio Code 的分步指南: 访问Visual Studio 官方网站以下载可执行文件。 为了使用 sfdx 进程,您必须安装Salesforce CLI(如果尚未安装)。确...
至此,一个简单的 git进行源代码控制的流程结束。 总结:篇中简单的介绍了git的安装以及 git如何在vs code中配置,这个操作不仅是针对于salesforce,其他的语言都可以使用 git进行源代码控制操作,所以网上关于git的配置和操作很多。本篇浅入浅出,纯属抛砖引玉,感兴趣的小伙伴可以查看上方的官方文档或者其他资源进行深入...
Type: Bug Commands not working on Vs code for salesforce VS Code version: Code 1.85.2 (8b37750, 2024-01-18T06:40:10.514Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: System Info Item Value CPUs Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz ...
sfdxforce:source:deploy -m"ApexClass:myclass" if you don't like the command. also, you can use the shortcut integrated in the Salesforce Extension Pack. Development Unit Test code converge Now. we have completed the development test and unit test. As for Salesforce development. The unit ...
This repository contains the source code for Salesforce Extensions for VS Code: the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions for Salesforce DX. Currently, we have the following extensions: salesforcedx-vscode A top-level extension pack that automatically installs the following extensions for you. ...
As a Salesforce Developer. There is no powerful debug tool in the developing process. It always confused the beginner. With the rise of the DX development. We need to install vs code and salesforce extension pack. Today. Let me introduce theapex replay debugger. And this tool has been inc...
BigCommerce merchants need to install a buy button application to take advantage, while Shopify just requires you to place an embed code on the site where you want to sell. Recover abandoned carts cheaply Shopify offers a beginner-friendly abandoned cart saver tool with all its plans. Unlike ...