1. 打开Visual Studio,在菜单栏中选择“团队资源管理器”(Team Explorer)。 2. 在团队资源管理器中,点击“克隆”(Clone)按钮。 3. 在弹出的对话框中,输入要克隆的GitHub仓库的URL或者选择“使用仓库URL”并粘贴URL。 4. 选择本地存储仓库的路径,可以点击“浏览”按钮选择文件夹。 5. 勾选“递归克隆子模块”(...
1. Clone the Git repository: Start by cloning the Git repository that contains your code. Open Visual Studio and click on “Clone or check out code” from the start page or go to “Team Explorer” and click on “Manage Connections” and then “Clone”. 2. Enter the repository URL: In...
方式一:从Git远程仓库克隆:命令 git clone "SSH 方式二:在本地创建一个文件夹,用终端命令初始化一个本地仓库 git init,连接远程仓库git remote add 仓库名称 仓库地址,拉取最新代码git pull 仓库名称 仓库分支 VS Code进行同步 使用VS Code打开本...
VS Code lets you filter which project to clone. How to view MRs and issues It is easy to look through issues and MRs that you created, are assigned to, or are reviewing using GitLab. The lesser-known feature of the GitLab Workflow extension iscustom queries. Custom search queries allow ...
Steps to Reproduce: Open VS Code workspace Open Source Control tab in Activity Bar I have been using VS Code to edit this same project for four years. Just today, after updating to 1.75.0, VS Code no longer recognizes my workspace as a valid Git repository, despite it still having a.g...
这样West工具就会自动帮我们下载到所指定的文件夹中了,比起使用git clone的方式会更加方便,毕竟Zephyr本身还有好多的sub-module需要下载,自己直接敲git指令,难免会遗漏掉几个。 5. 如遇问题: 1) J-Link not found: 确保PC中已经安装好了Segger JLink驱动,并将其添加到了系统环境变量中。J-link download ...
git clone:用于克隆一个远程仓库 git pull:用于拉取远程仓库的更新并将更新合并到本地分支,它等于git fetch 加 git merge git push:将本地的修改提交到远程分支在这一节课的视频中,你可以看到如何利用Git命令以及Source Control来完成上面三个操作。17 介绍调试工具这一节课,我们会学习Activity Bar的第四个功能...
将示例存储库克隆到项目的 code 文件夹中。 系统可能会提示你向 GitHub 进行身份验证 Bash 复制 cd code git clone https://github.com/azure/aistudio-copilot-sample 如果你有现有笔记本或代码文件,则可以导入 import azure.ai.generative 并使用 Intellisense 来浏览该包中包含的功能Azure...
The code folder is a storage location directly on your compute instance and performant for large repositories. It's an ideal location to clone your git repositories, or otherwise bring in or create your code files. data Use for storing local data files. We recommend you use the data folder ...
Git clone repository works only once after opening the VS 2022 for Mac. I have to quit the application and reopen it for it to allow me clooning again. The “loading” bar does not move. I am trying to clone different repositories ...