了解如何使用 Azure Machine Learning Visual Studio Code 擴充功能來建立和管理 Azure Machine Learning 資源。
瞭解如何使用 Visual Studio Code 建立 Q# 程式,並將其提交至實際的量子硬體。 您可以將量子運算作業提交至 Azure Quantum 作為獨立的 Q# 程式、將 Q# 與 Python 結合在 Q# 專案中,然後執行 Jupyter Notebook。 將Q# 作業提交至 Azure Quantum 瞭解如何使用 VS Code 將 Q# 程式執行、偵錯及提交至 Azure Quan...
创建本地仓库及远程仓库、将本地仓库推送至远程仓库、克隆远程仓库、拉取远程仓库、解决冲突 文章目录 一、创建远程仓库(使用Gitee或者GitHub) 二、git推送本地代码至远程仓库 三、git克隆远程仓库代码到本地 四、VS Code推送代码至远程仓库 五、Gitee合并分支 六、VS Code拉取远程仓库代码 七、VS Code解决Push冲突...
I have a workspace open in VS Code with multiple nested subdirectories for different projects. When I go to the Debugging Run in the sidebar and click on create a launch.json file a popup prompt appears to Select a workspace folder to create a launch.json file in or...
You're now ready to get started. How to Create a Folder With Git Bash and Open It in VS Code Open Git Bash by right-clicking anywhere on your desktop and selectingGit Bash Here: Use thecdcommand to navigate to the folder that you want to contain your new folder. For example, if you...
(and am not the best at understanding the intricacies of package management) but I'm trying to install the Eigen library to use for C++ matrix multiplies/linear algebra operations. I don't really know where to put the source code and how to make the include statement not give me an ...
環境已設定為在容器內部遠端執行 VS Code。 容器是以與此Dockerfile 類似的方式定義,並以 Microsoft 的 Python 3.10 開發容器映像為基礎。您的檔案總管會開啟至您在 AI Studio 中啟動的特定專案目錄。容器是使用 Azure AI 資料夾階層 (afh 目錄) 來設定,其設計目的是在目前的開發內容內引導您,並協助您最有效率...
In the first example, we demonstrate how a developer can integrate a library written in Rust into a VS Code extension. As previously mentioned, components are described using a WIT file. In our example, the library performs simple operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and ...
Navigate toSecurity -> SSH Keysand add your public key there* Click create! * If you don’t know how to create your SSH key see the GCP guidehere Your instance will be ready in a few seconds. Click on theSSHbutton on the right and connect to the machine and install the VS Code se...
Allows you to manage GitHub Gists entirely within the editor. You can open, create, delete, fork, star and clone gists, and then seamlessly begin editing files as if they were local. It's like your very own developer library for building and referencing code snippets, commonly used config/...