gitTreeCompare.collapsedWhen enabled, shows folders collapsed instead of expanded. NOTE: Changing this option requires restarting VS Code. gitTreeCompare.compactFoldersWhen enabled, compacts (flattens) single-child folders into a single tree element. Useful for Java package structures, for example. May...
一、引言 写这篇文章的初衷在于,我之前曾经写过同样雷同标题的另一篇博客文章: 拒绝失控拒绝混乱:使用 vs code + git + sftp 插件搭建远程服务端编程环境 当时,我为了搭建一个友好方便的远端服务端编程环境,使用 vs code 当做文本编辑器,git 在本地对代码进行版本管理,vs code 中的 sftp 插件用来往远端服务端...
GitHub extension for VS Code 18 GitLens Get in-line blame annotations and hover information for recent commits, search through commits, visualize and compare commits across branches, and so much more.GitLensis a must-have extension if you're using version control in VS Code. ...
VS Code 默认支持对比两个文件的内容。选中两个文件,然后右键选择「将已选项进行比较」即可,效果如下: VS Code 自带的对比功能并不够强大,我们可以安装插件compareit,进行更丰富的对比。比如说,安装完插件compareit之后,我们可以将「当前文件」与「剪切板」里的内容进行对比: 13、查找某个函数在哪些地方被调用了 比...
操作步骤:在“Branches”选项中,从“Unpublished Branches”列表中选择Branch,点击右键,选择“Publish Branch”,将该Branch发布到Remote Repository中。 九,创建Code Review请求 在TFS中,能够将代码的changes发送到同事,请求对代码进行审查(Code Review),在git中,也能实现Code Review,不过,名称叫做Pull Request,VS2013中...
Learn how to use the Visual Studio code editor more efficiently and meet some of the GitLab contributors that made these new features happen.
我强烈建议您用途:Git History 它支持您提到的所有功能。
Search & Compare— Search and explore for a specific commit, message, author, changed file or files, or even a specific code change, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more. GitLens Quick access to many GitLens features. Also the home of GitKraken teams and collabo...
VS Code关闭eslint校验 vscode设置eslint检验不报错 在日常开发中,一个大点的项目会有多人参与,那么可能就会出现大家的代码风格不一,各显神通,这个时候就要祭出我们的eslint。 在这之前磨刀不误砍柴工,我们先来配置一下我们的代码编辑工具,如何在vscode下保存代码时让代码自动以eslint标准来保存呢。