退出Exit文件.退出 格式化选定内容format编辑.格式化选定内容 全屏FullScreen视图.全屏 启动g调试.启动 转到GotoLn编辑.转到 转到大括号GotoBrace编辑.转到大括号 F1帮助Help帮助.F1帮助 即时模式immed工具.即时模式 将文件作为文本插入InsertFile编辑.将文件作为文本插入 列出调用堆栈kb调试.列出调用堆栈 转换为小写Lcase编辑...
Exit 229 Command id:"Exit" on File menu. Replace 230 Command id:"Replace" on Edit menu. Goto 231 Command id:"Go To" on Edit menu. PropertyPages 232 Command id:"Property Pages" on View menu. FullScreen 233 Command id:"Full Screen" on View menu. ProjectExplorer 234 Command id:"Projec...
"terminal.integrated.shellArgs.windows": [], // Controls whether to show the alert "The terminal process terminated with exit code" when exit code is non-zero. "terminal.integrated.showExitAlert": true, // Controls the working directory a split terminal starts with. // - workspaceRoot: A ...
cmdidFullOuterJoin cmdidFullScreen cmdidGenerateChangeScript cmdidGetZoom cmdidGoto cmdidGotoCommandLine cmdidGotoDecl cmdidGotoDefn cmdidGotoErrorTag cmdidGroup cmdidHideActivePane cmdidHideColumn cmdidHidePane cmdidHideTable cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate cmdidHorizSpaceDecrease cmdidHorizSpace...
cmdidFullScreen cmdidGenerateChangeScript cmdidGetZoom cmdidGoto cmdidGotoCommandLine cmdidGotoDecl cmdidGotoDefn cmdidGotoErrorTag cmdidGroup cmdidHideActivePane cmdidHideColumn cmdidHidePane cmdidHideTable cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate cmdidHorizSpaceDecrease cmdidHorizSpaceIn...
cmdidFullOuterJoin cmdidFullScreen cmdidGenerateChangeScript cmdidGetZoom cmdidGoto cmdidGotoCommandLine cmdidGotoDecl cmdidGotoDefn cmdidGotoErrorTag cmdidGroup cmdidHideActivePane cmdidHideColumn cmdidHidePane cmdidHideTable cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate cmdidHorizSpaceDecrease cmdidH...
FullScreen 233 Command id:"Full Screen" on View menu. GenerateChangeScript 173 Generate a change script. GetZoom 98 Get Zoom Goto 231 Command id:"Go To" on Edit menu. GotoCommandLine 429 Goto Command Line GotoDecl 936 Object browser / Class View commandcommand: Go to Declaration GotoD...
FullScreen2 1775 Full Screen 2 FSRSortObjectsAlpha 1776 Find symbol results command: Sort objects alphabetically FSRSortByBestMatch 1777 Find symbol results command: Sort by best match NavigateBack 1800 Navigate Back NavigateForward 1801 Navigate Forward ECMD_CORRECTION_1 1900 Editor...
cmdidFullScreen cmdidGenerateChangeScript cmdidGetZoom cmdidGoto cmdidGotoCommandLine cmdidGotoDecl cmdidGotoDefn cmdidGotoErrorTag cmdidGroup cmdidHideActivePane cmdidHideColumn cmdidHidePane cmdidHideTable cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate cmdidHorizSpaceDecreas...
Exit 文件.退出 格式化选定内容 format 编辑.格式化选定内容 全屏 FullScreen 视图.全屏 开始 g 调试.启动 转到 GotoLn 编辑.转到 转到大括号 GotoBrace 编辑.转到大括号 F1帮助 Help 帮助.F1帮助 “即时”模式 immed Tools.ImmediateMode 将文件作为文本插入 ...