File—>Settings—> Keymap—>搜索increase或decrease 或—>双击Increase Font Size或Decrease Font Size—> 选择Add Mouse Shortcut —> Ctrl+ 鼠标滚轮上滑或下滑 批量修改变量名: 法一:选择变量 --> 右键 --> Refactor --> Rename --> 选择修改方式 --> Refactor 快捷键 Shift + F6 法二:Ctrl + ...
VS Code has not implemented all features. Head on over to thisGitHub issueand let the VS Code team know what you'd like to see. You can install an extension for many of these features: Expand Selection To Scope FontSize Shortcuts
msotcidVBShortCutCodeWindows msotcidVBShortCutForms msotcidVBShortCutMisc msotcidVBToolBoxContextMenu msotcidVBToolBoxGroupContextMenu msotcidVBWatchContextMenu msotcidVerticalSpaceWellMenu msotcidZoomWellMenu VSStandardEditorCommands VSStandardMenus VsTextMarker Microsoft.SqlServer.Management...
Code 14 Code Copy 15 Command id : "Copy". Cut 16 Command id: "Cut". Delete 17 Command id: "Delete". FontName 18 Font Name FontSize 19 Font Size Group 20 Group HorizSpaceConcatenate 21 Concatenate Horizontal Space HorizSpaceDecrease 22 Decrease Horizontal Space HorizSpaceIncrease 23...
A menu system is at the top of your screen, much like any other Microsoft product. The menu system will give you access to settings such as the font size displayed on the screen and what colour scheme VS Code uses. The editor section takes up the largest section of the screen. This is...
sw.WriteLine("<h1>Visual Studio 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts</h1>") sw.WriteLine("<font size=""2"" face=""Tahoma"">") sw.WriteLine("<table border=""1"">") sw.WriteLine("<tr BGCOLOR=""#018FFF""><td align=""center""><b>Command</b></td><td align=""center""><b>Shortcut</b...
再补充一个吧。VS Code支持workspace,而且可以同时打开多个workspace。有时候我们需要一眼区别出来,所以就...
一个notebook.markup.fontSize 设置,用户可以控制笔记本降价内容的字体大小。 Markdown 单元格内的围栏代码块支持语法突出显示。 Type 4.5随 Visual Studio Code 1.63 一起提供。 方法签名完成让开发人员可以快速覆盖方法并实现接口方法。 对于Unicode,现在默认突出显示源代码中不常见的不可见字符。
See more in Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code. Tune your settings Open settings.json Mac: cmd+, Windows / Linux: File > Preferences > Settings or ctrl+, Format on paste "editor.formatOnPaste": true Change the font size "editor.fontSize": 18 Change the zoom level "window.zoomLevel"...
msotcidVBShortCutCodeWindows msotcidVBShortCutForms msotcidVBShortCutMisc msotcidVBToolBoxContextMenu msotcidVBToolBoxGroupContextMenu msotcidVBWatchContextMenu msotcidVerticalSpaceWellMenu msotcidZoomWellMenu VSStandardEditorCommands VSStandardMenus VsTextMarker Microsoft.SqlServer....