(1)进入https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode网站,下载并安装「Fira Code」字体。 (2)打开 VS Code 的「设置」,搜索font,修改相关配置为如下内容: "editor.fontFamily": "'Fira Code',Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace", // 设置字体显示 "editor.fontLigatures": false,//控制是否启用字体连字,t...
"editor.fontFamily":"Consolas, 'Fira code', monospace", "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles":"Disabled" } tasks.json { "version":"2.0.0", "command":"g++", "type":"shell", "presentation": { "echo":true, "reveal":"always", "focus":false, "panel":"shared", "showReuseMessage":true, "clear"...
Even if you have perfect eyesight, you’ll want to keep your eyes as comfortable as possible when writing lines of code. Discrepancies between similar characters are essential when choosing a font family. However, using a suitable font size for coding can make it easier on the eyes and help ...
(1)进入https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode网站,下载并安装「Fira Code」字体。 (2)打开 VS Code 的「设置」,搜索font,修改相关配置为如下内容: "editor.fontFamily":"'Fira Code',Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",// 设置字体显示"editor.fontLigatures":false,//控制是否启用字体连字,true启用...
VS Code 中使用 Terminal 开启/关闭终端快捷键(Ctrl + `) 切换默认终端为PowerShell,并设置Nerd字体 #在 settings.json 中添加如下配置 "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "PowerShell", // 设置默认终端为 PowerShell "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font Mono", // 设置终...
你可以尝试 Fira Code,它非常棒而且是开源的。 以下是引入 Fira Code 后在VSCode 辊更改该字体的方法。 1 <code>"editor.fontFamily": "Fira Code","editor.fontLigatures": true</code> 具体使用方法可以参考: vscode中修改字体,使用 Fira Code 提高visual studio使用逼格的连体字(Fira code)以及多行编辑(Mi...
follow these instructions: https://github.com/microsoft/cascadia-code/wiki/Installing-Cascadia-Code#installing-cascadia-code-in-vs-code Add in VS Settings "editor.fontFamily": "Cascadia Code", "editor.fontLigatures": true, Save settings and Code hangs. See above. Attempts to generate crash repo...
"editor.fontFamily":"Fira Code","editor.fontLigatures":true Tip:You will need to have a font installed that supports font ligatures.FiraCodeis a popular font on the VS Code team. Auto Save "files.autoSave":"afterDelay" You can also toggle Auto Save from the top-level menu with theFil...
How much experience do I need? aka.ms/VSCodeDay \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Speaker(s) Keynote: View Source: What gets into VS Code and why Speaker(s)Social Media ...
SCodeNavigate SCompEnumService SDirList SDTE SExtendedTypeLib SExtensionManager SharedMSBuildFilesManagerHierarchy SharedProjectReferenceProviderGuid ShellGuids80 SIVsPackageDynamicToolOwner SLicensedClassManager SLocalRegistry SOleComponentUIManager SOleInPlaceComponent SOleInPlaceComponentSite SProfferAsyncService SPr...