TheSettings Syncextension allows developers to sync snippets, settings, themes, key bindings, and file icons across various machines while working on a development project. It uses GitHub Gists to facilitate these services. You can find more details on configuring Github with Settings Sync in theird...
vscode-icons allow you to create descriptive icons to categorize between files and folders easily. This extension helps to make code more visually appealing so that it is easier for teams to work in close collaboration. This means you can always come back after some time and concentrate on your...
{//theme"workbench.colorTheme":"Dracula Soft","workbench.iconTheme":"vscode-icons",//editorsettings"editor.renderIndentGuides":true,"editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.insertSpaces":true,"editor.mouseWheelZoom":true,"editor.renderControlCharacters":true,"editor.renderWhitespace":"boundary","files.eol...
使用命令 code --uninstall-extension <extension-id> 来卸载扩展。 这里的 <extension-id> 是你在列出扩展时看到的扩展ID。 重启VS Code 在禁用或卸载扩展后,重启VS Code以确保更改生效。 检查依赖 有时候,一个扩展可能依赖于另一个扩展。确保在卸载扩展时检查是否有依赖问题,这可能会影响其他扩展的功能。相关...
6.Code Spell Checker 代码拼写检查器 一个与camelCase代码配合良好的基本拼写检查程序。 此拼写检查程序的目标是帮助捕获常见的拼写错误,同时保持误报数量较低。 7.vscode-icons 显示Visual Studio代码的图标,目前该插件已被vscode内部支持:"文件" -> "首选项" -> "文件图标主题" ...
It was clear from the start that we needed to make icon theming an extension point to VS Code. It would be impossible to come up with a single set of icons that everyone agreed upon. Without a proper extension mechanism, Roberto was forced to patch the installed sources in order to make...
Font |Input Mono、Fira Code、方正聚珍新仿简体(下载方正官方正版字体,使用 FontCreator 加粗) File Icons |Gruvbox Material Icon Theme Product Icons |Carbon Product Icons 插件 LICENSE MIT 本文GitHub 仓库地址: [nanvon/vscode-settings](
File icon theme for Visual Studio Code dot Icon Theme using colored dots for folder and icons dot (gray) Icon Theme using colored dots for gray folder and icons dot small Icon Theme using small colored dots for folder and icons dot small (gray) Icon Theme using small colored dots for gray...
如:code --install-extension yzhang.markdown-all-in-one-1.4.0.vsix (4)重启vscode vscode下载历史版本插件:由于某些原因,我们必须使用旧版的vscode,并且如果还是在内网中使用,那么就肯定是有下载历史版本插件,这一个需求的 首先依然是登陆商店,然后搜索对应的插件 进入主页 点击主页右边的 Changelog ,即可看到...
Code of conduct MIT license Anthony's VS Code Settings .vscode/settings.json .vscode/extensions.json .vscode/global.code-snippets Preview Theme |Vitesse Theme Font |Input Mono File Icons |Catppuccin Icons Product Icons |Carbon ...