ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippetsis one of the most used extensions by React and React Native developers. It provides many shorthand prefixes to accelerate development and help developers create code snippets and syntax for React, Redux, GraphQL, and React Native. So, this is a great exte...
TOP 10 VSCode Extensions for React/React Native Developers (2021) GitLens — Git supercharged - Visual Studio Marketplace ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets - Visual Studio Marketplace ESLint - Visual Studio Marketplace Code Spell Checker - Visual Studio Marketplace Color Highlight - V...
Dive into the ultimate VS Code setup for React development - extensions, editor settings, keyboard shortcuts, tips and tricks - this is the setup that you're looking for. And you can install it with a single click. Chapters 00:00 - Intro 00:37 - Creating the Ultimate React Profile 01:...
08、VS Code Icons 尽管Visual Studio Code 是一个功能强大的代码编辑器,但它的默认图标可能很无聊且没有吸引力。这就是图标主题发挥作用的地方。 VS Code Icons 扩展将通过将文件识别为 React、Javascript、HTML、CSS 等来帮助您查看文...
This extensions supports selectors written in: snake_case PascalCase camelCase kebab-case Settings Defaults {"reactTsScss.peekProperties":true,"reactTsScss.autoComplete":true,"reactTsScss.autoImport":true,"reactTsScss.definition":true,"reactTsScss.references":true,"reactTsScss.tsconfig":"./tsconfig...
名称: ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets ID: dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets 说明: Simple extensions for React, Redux and Graphql in JS/TS with ES7 syntax 版本: 2.8.3 发布者: dsznajder VS Marketplace 链接:
对于在运行时期间对代码进行调试的开发人员,Debugger for Chrome 将帮你更好的完成工作。它有许多方便的功能,包括在代码、watches 和控制台中设置断点的功能。另外你可以在 VS Code 中运行Chrome实例,或把调试器附加到单独运行的浏览器实例。 更多信息 环境增强:React Native Tools React...
从使用情况来看,VS Code 扩展的 Edge Tools 已被证明非常通用,我已经改为使用它作为我日常工作的主要 Web 开发环境。我发现的唯一的主要缺陷是无法从 VS Code 的 Edge 开发工具选项卡访问 Vue.js Devtools Edge 扩展。我能想象得到,其他类似的扩展(比如 React Developer Tools)也存在这样的情况,虽然我没有实际去...
Open Visual Studio Code. Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window, or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Shift+X on Mac. Search for "React Dev Docs" in the search bar. Click the Install button next to...
React-Redux ES6 Snippets jQuery Code Snippets 二、自动补全类插件 Path Intellisense 自动路劲补全 Visual Studio IntelliCode 从GitHub 上高星的开源项目经过大量的机器学习训练,给开发者提供最合适的 IntelliSense 上下文建议功能,除此之外,还有代码格式化和规则推测等功能。 Npm Intellisense 用于在import语句中自动填充...