Let’s look at some extensions for VS Code that make writing and editing HTML (and languages that are basically HTML with extra powers) better. You may not like all of them. Maybe some of them don’t appeal to you, solve a problem you don’t have, or feel like more clutter than ...
例如:我准备将扩展插件extensions安装到新的地址D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\VScode Extensions\中, 我的完整指令如下: "D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\software\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --extensions-dir "D:\Microsoft VisualStudioCode\VScode Extensions" 1. 3. 还可以...
打开 VS Code,在 Extensions 下搜索“Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code”并安装它: 这个扩展最酷的功能之一是能够在 VS Code 中完全调试静态内容,零配置,没有其他依赖。 为了验证这一点,我使用 Vue.js 制作了一个小应用程序,并通过右键单击根文件“index.html”并选择“Open with Edge”来启动 Edge 工具扩展...
可以直接在网页上搜索要命令的词汇,当然,它不仅有网页版,也支持VS Code, Atom, Sublime, WebStorm等开发工具。 在VS Code中,Extensions->搜索“CodeIf”即可完成安装。 使用时只需要选中变量名,然后右键选择CodeIf就可以跳转到网页,显示候选命名。 7.local history ...
支持多种编程语言,包括JavaScript、TypeScript、CSS、HTML等。 根据预定义规则自动格式化代码。 在您的项目中执行一致的代码风格。 与VS Code的格式化选项集成,可在保存时触发或通过键盘快捷键触发。 2. Remote SSH Visual Studio Code的Remote – SSH扩展允许用户使用安全的SSH协议在远程服务器或虚拟机上工作。它使您...
VS Code默认界面是英文的,可通过安装语言包插件改变界面显示语言。 Extensions(Ctrl+Shift+x)中搜索“language”找到中文包,点击install后,右下角弹出错误提示框,显示“Unable to open 'Extension: Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code': Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0.” ...
productivity. However, you should not install a bunch of extensions in your editor without an actual need. You need to understand your requirements and be selective about your extensions. I hope my suggestions help you choose the best VS Code extensions for your project. Thank you for reading!
Visual Studio Code(VScode )github地址 :https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode 二.怎么安装插件? 方法一: 按F1或Ctrl+Shift+p,输入extensions,点击第一个就可以 方法二: ctrl + P 然后输入 >ext install 方法三: 点击图中位置 三.插件合集 插件官网:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/ ...
Firstly, you may want to solve the compilation error you have in regards to Vue.js. You may need to grab some extensions for VS-code as detailedhere. I have heard that Prettier has some issues formatting HTML at times, and VS Code itself already has HTML formatting support. You can stop...
send uses the mime npm package, which only maps html, htm, and shtml to the text/html mime type. I haven't tried this, but I think you could technically dig into your ~/.vscode/extensions/ritwickdey.liveserver-<version>//node_modules/mime/types.json and edit the file to...