VS Codeis one of the most-used code editors available. Its large ecosystem has been one of the main reasons behind this popularity. It supports a variety of extensions that can drastically enhance and help developers write better code. As developers, it is essential to be aware of these exte...
Nodejs Extension Pack:包含了ESLint、npm、JavaScript(ES6)代码片段、node_modules搜索、NPM智能提示和文件路径智能提示。 VS Code for Node.js – Development Pack:NPM智能提示,ESLint,Chrome调试器,Code Metrics,Docker和导入包的开销计算。 Vue.js Extension Pack:包含大约12个VS Code插件,有些在本文没有提到,...
下图展示了借助REST Client扩展,如何实现实时的查询效果。 原文标题:Top 5 VS Code Extensions for IoT Developers,作者:Benjamin Cabé
本文翻译自:https://learnvue.co/2021/01/the-7-best-vs-code-extensions-for-vue-developers/ 在Visual Studio中添加合适的VS Code扩展可以使得我们的开发生活变得更轻松。 这些VS Code扩展有助于格式化、可扩展性、实施最佳实践,从而让开发过程中许多容易遗漏的任务可以自动化完成。它们也可以锦上添花,使我们的...
Meet useful Visual Studio Code extensions for web developers: little helpers to minimize slow-downs and frustrations, and boost developer’s workflow along the way. Recently, we’ve also covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators and accessible front-end
VS Code Python 插件已提供了对 Jupyter Notebook 的本地支持。 Jupyter 下载地址:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.jupyter 原文链接:https://medium.com/better-programming/the-best-vs-code-extensions-for-python-developers-for-2021-748b2ce16eee...
如果读者有非常喜欢的VS Code扩展,欢迎在评论区里分享! 最后,如果觉得本文对你有帮助,请不要吝惜点赞、喜欢和收藏! https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Programmers-Day-Programmer-Journal/dp/B084P574X2 参考链接: TOP 10 VSCode Extensions for React/React Native Developers (2021) ...
VS Code extensions for Java developers. Contribute to microsoft/vscode-java-pack development by creating an account on GitHub.
Learn about the Best VS Code Extensions for 2024: Increase your productivity by using these tools. Explore the must-haves for developers!