"activationEvents":["onCommand:extension.insertLog","onCommand:extension.deleteLogs"], 接着在contributes中添加快捷键: "keybindings":[{"command":"extension.insertLog","key":"shift+ctrl+l","mac":"shift+cmd+l","when":"editorTextFocus"},{"command":"extension.deleteLogs","key":"shift+ctrl+...
This is a Hello World example extension that shows you how to set up and run simple UI tests for VS Code extensions using the ExTester. - djelinek/vscode-extension-tester-example
运行VS Code,点击左侧插件STM32 VS CODE EXTENSION,在PROJECT MANAGER点击Import a local project 在右下角提示框中点击Continue按钮,选择相应工程目录,选中.cproject文件点击Open project按钮,打开此前已经建好的STM32CubeIDE工程。 对于已经导入的工程的,下次运行VS Code后直接从File->Open Recent打开目录工程。 导入...
运行VS Code,点击左侧插件STM32 VS CODE EXTENSION,在PROJECT MANAGER点击Import a local project在右下角提示框中点击Continue按钮,选择相应工程目录,选中.cproject文件点击Open project按钮,打开此前已经建好的STM32CubeIDE工程。 对于已经导入的工程的,下次运行VS Code后直接从File->Open Recent打开目录工程。 导入工...
1. LambdaTest VS Code Extension LambdaTest is a cloud-basedcross browser testingplatform that has changed how organizations define their testing strategies. The LambdaTest VS Code extension leads the way in real-time cross browser testing for public and locally hosted websites and web applications. ...
我们在extension.js里找到这段代码,activate 方法中,我们给“extension.sayHello”注册了方法,方法内容就是,弹出“Hello World!”信息框。 functionactivate(context) {//Use the console to output diagnostic information (console.log) and errors (console.error)//This line of code will only be executed once...
A new release, a new VS Code extension feature. 4D v19 R8 brings a new capability to the Visual Studio Code editor through the4D-Analyzer extension: Say hello tocode completion. Starting with 4D v19R8, when you type code in a 4DM file, the contextual suggestions appear in a popup menu...
这是我最喜欢的 VS Code 扩展,没有之一!拥有超级强大的 Git 功能! 比如对比当前文件在历史commit中的改动,git blame,查看某次commit的所有变化的文件等等。 0 提醒:如果你对 git 不是非常熟练,不建议使用 GitLens 的所有会改动文件的功能,否则容易造成代码丢失等事故!
Executing WebAssembly code in a workerThe examples in the previous blog post ran the WebAssembly code in the VS Code extension host main thread. This is fine as long as the execution time is short. However, long-running operations should be executed in a worker to ensure that the extension ...
Visual Studio Code 是最受欢迎的轻量级源代码编辑器之一;它运行在桌面上,适用于 Windows、macOS 和 Linux。 通过安装 Synapse VS Code 扩展,可以在 VS Code 本地进行创作、运行和调试笔记本和 Spark 作业定义。 还可以将代码发布到 Fabric 工作区中的远程 Spark 计算,以便运行或调试。 该扩展还允许在 VS Code ...