15. Select a Column or Box of Code by Dragging the Mouse This keyboard shortcut allows you to select multiple lines at once. Windows/Linux:Shift+Alt+ drag mouse across the lines macOS:Shift+Option+ drag mouse across the lines 16. Select a Column or Box of Code with Arrow Keys ...
ThePeacockextension is useful for changing the color of your workspace when you have multiple code editor windows active at once. It’s useful to distinguish among the various code editor windows and projects. The Peacock extension has more than 1.7 million downloads. Installation In VS Code, pr...
Format supports indenting PHP8 attributes which are spread over multiple lines #879 Format was removing whitespaces when readonly or static was used as function argument name. Fixed the case where formatter was adding an extra space between new and () #883Monday...
After the extension installation is complete, restart VS Code. The icon for the extension is listed at the VS Code activity bar. Local working directory To edit a notebook, you must have a local copy of the notebook content. The local working directory of the extension serves as the local...
topo - shows commits in reverse chronological order of the commit timestamp, but avoids intermixing multiple lines of history gitlens.advanced.externalDiffTool Specifies an optional external diff tool to use when comparing files. Must be a configured Git difftool. gitlens.advanced.externalDirectory...
Work with multiple containers by using Docker Compose: Create multi-container apps with MySQL and Docker Compose Deploy to Azure Container Apps: Quickstart: Deploy to Azure Container Apps using Visual Studio Code Tutorial: Deploy to Azure Container Apps ...
Copy or insert the code ChatGPT is suggesting right into your editor. 🍻 Optimized for dialogue Edit and resend a previous prompt 📤 Export all your conversation history with one click Ad-hoc prompt prefixes for you to customize what you are asking ChatGPT ...
ensure your code can be scanned quickly. A handy little plugin that makes indentations even more readable isIndent-Rainbow. Itcolorizes the indentationin front of your text alternating four different colors on each step and marking those lines where the indentation is not a multiple of the tab ...
The application name of the editor, like 'VS Code'.appRoot: stringThe application root folder from which the editor is running. Note that the value is the empty string when running in an environment that has no representation of an application root folder....
1. Code Visualization Have a look at the small sample below. Notice theimplemented interfaces. Theregionsub-container is prefixed with a # symbol for easier identification.Membershave distinctive icons, with special overlays for constructors, event implementations, virtual members, statics and members...