安装eslint 和安装vs code 的 eslint 插件,书写 .eslintrc 文件 插件的目的是实时提示错误,否则只能通过命令行编译后才知道错误 {"plugins":["react","prettier"],"globals":{"__DEV__":true,"__dirname":false,"__fbBatchedBridgeConfig":false,"cancelAnimationFrame":false,"clearImmediate":true,"clearI...
CodeMaid -- 显示代码中的成员, 可以按多种条件排序. Code Compare--代码比对工具. CssCop - FxCop For StyleSheets -- Css检测. Duplicate Selection -- 增加快速复制所选词/所在行, 默认快捷键 Alt + D. Editor Guidelines -- 右键给代码某字符处增加彩色参考线, 长代码好用. HideShow Comments -- 方便...
Make sure, the language of opened .blade.php file is set to PHP (the lower right corner of your VSCode window). HTML Auto Closing Tags and Attributes In PHP code, HTML tag elements now close automatically when you type the > of the opening tag. Similarly, when you enter the / of ...
1436 How do I fold/collapse/hide sections of code in Visual Studio Code? 1623 How can I have multiple vertical rulers in VS Code? 1319 "code ." is not working in on the command line for Visual Studio Code on OS X/Mac 1389 How can I customize the tab-to-space conversion factor ...
Create a duplicate of a DIV and ALL its objects (input controls, dropdownlists, etc) Create and clone the dropdown in html table row on button click create and save xml file on disk using javascript Creating a Modal Popup Using javascript Window.Open Creating folder on client machine.. c...
{"name":"code/didLoadMainBundle","startTime":1616679933969},{"name":"code/willOpenNewWindow","startTime":1616679934160}],"partsSplashPath":"/Users/andymatthews/Library/Application Support/Code/rapid_render.json","os":{"release":"19.6.0"}}", source: file:///Applications/Visual Studio Code...
Duplicate Line or Selection Copy as Plain Text Cut and copy Append Paste Append to Existing Lines Delete Trailing Whitespace Version History Version 1.13: Added support for Visual Studio 2022, and had to drop support for earlier versions of Visual Studio at the same time. (If you need to get...
2: VSCode-icons 它的作用就像给你的电脑文件夹和文件加上各种小图标。这样的话不同类型的文件和文件...
"window.zoomLevel": 1, "[javascript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features" }, "[css]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "michelemelluso.code-beautifier" }, "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", "editor.suggestSelection": "first", ...
VS Code: How can I commit some changes, but not others, to a single file? (6 answers) Closed 5 months ago. Is there an easy way in VS Code to commit only the file you are currently editing? I mean GUI equivalent for git commit pathspec where pathspec is the file currently bein...