下载地址为:https://code.visualstudio.com/ 在网页中点击”Download for Windows“按钮即可下载。也可以根据自己的情况下载对应的版本。 下载完之后(最新版)会提示安装显示语言对应的语言包,点击安装并重启软件即可显示中文界面。(如果没有可以搜索如何安装中文语言拓展) 打开VS Code后点击左边工具栏的Extensions(扩展)...
1.1 官网下载 官方下载:https://code.visualstudio.com/download User安装版会安装在当前计算机帐户目录,这意味着如果使用另一个帐号登陆计算机将无法使用别人安装的vscode. 而System安装版可以安装在非用户目录,例如C盘根目录,任何帐户都可以使用.这个是主要的区别 我们选择System Installer 64bit下载安装即可。 1.2 安装...
“文件”-“首选项”-“用户设置”,打开用户配置文件settings.json,再其中大括号内输入计算机中 python.exe 的完整路径(扩展名".exe"可以省略),注意把单斜线改成双斜线。 "python.pythonPath":"D:\\Python\\Python36\\python" F1 键调出控制台,输入task,选择任务:配置任务运行程序,打开tasks.json文件,修改以下...
VS Code 64 bit Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to program a 64 bit program with VS Code :) George Antoan, Mar 1, 2024 #1 T trt740 Win User Post your source for the best Stepping for Amd 64's and Optys Post your Stepping and o/c for Amd 64's Am2 /939 and...
Download the VS Code zip file:64-bitor32-bit. Extract the zip, open the contents of the folder and run thecodeapplication. On Ubuntu, you can also: Search for theUbuntu Softwareapplication and start it. Click onUpdatesin the top menu. ...
✅ VS Code 64 bit:Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to program a 64 bit program with VS Code...
一、首先用msys2下载mingw-w64 (1)网址:mingw-w64.org (2)侧边栏点击downloads下载msys2,下载后安装(自定义路径),运行 (3)msys2中输入命令:pacman -Syu (注意大小写 输入后回车),弹出问题后输入y回车 (4)最后弹出error也不用担心,Confirm to proceed输入y即可,完成后关闭窗口 ...
Latest 64-bit version Latest 32-bit version Earlier versions Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Extensions Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio developers can install free extensions with features like SQL and PL/SQL editing, debugging and execution. Install the latest Oracle Developer Tools for V...
I get the following error when I try to download the VS Code (specifically 64-bit stable Windows version 1.22): az764295.vo.msecnd.net took too long to respond. I get the same result using Chrome and Edge. I am not running behind a proxy. Running Windows Network Diagnostics returns the...