: Yes VS Code Version: 1.89.1 OS Version: Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.4412 Steps to Reproduce: Have extensions Go toC:\Users\[Username]\.vscode\extensions See multiple versions of the same extension Open VSCode Close VS Code See old versions still existing Repeat steps 4-5 multiple times Go...
"activationEvents":["onCommand:extension.insertLog","onCommand:extension.deleteLogs"], 接着在contributes中添加快捷键: "keybindings":[{"command":"extension.insertLog","key":"shift+ctrl+l","mac":"shift+cmd+l","when":"editorTextFocus"},{"command":"extension.deleteLogs","key":"shift+ctrl+...
"onCommand:vscode-extension-delete-function.helloWorld" ], "main": "./out/extension.js", "contributes": { "commands": [ { "command": "vscode-extension-delete-function.helloWorld", "title": "vscode插件开发-删除函数" } ], "keybindings": [ { "command": "vscode-extension-delete-function....
对于在新窗口打开项目,也可以用code /path/to/project来替代「⌘ + ⇧ + N」和「⌘ + R」的组合操作。但还是有点麻烦,为此特地做了一个 Alfred 插件(alfred-open-with-vscode),支持在指定目录范围内检索并打开项目,还能展示 VS Code 最近打开过的项目。 对于重新加载窗口,可以先「⌘ + ⇧ + P」...
请确保已安装 Node.js。使用 Yeoman 和 VS Code 扩展生成器来快速创建扩展项目。首先安装 Yeoman 和生成器: npm install -g yo generator-codeyocode 项目会自动创建一个HelloWorld扩展。 如果手动创建项目,可以参考下面的目录结构 my-VSCode-extension/
Anaconda Extension Pack:Anaconda扩展 compareit:比较文件 Gitlens:查看代码更改、提交历史,对比前后代码 vscode-icons:文件图标 TODO Highlight:备忘插件 SVG Viewer:查看SVG Excel Viewer:查看Excel vscode-pdf:查看PDF highlight matching tag:高亮HTML匹配标签 Path Autocomplete:路径智能补全插件 Terminal:VS Code内置...
Although @sandy081 in #132896 claimed that VS Code cleans up folders of old versions of extensions, I have folders from two years ago that show that VS Code doesn't delete folders of old versions of extensions. Version: 1.75.1 (system setup) Commit: 441438a Date: 2023-02-08T21:32:...
In the command line terminal, enter#code --install-extension tizensdk.tizentv. Start or reload VS Code. Configure the extension. In the VS Code settings, go to "User > Extensions" and define the following locations as applicable: tizentv.simulatorLocation: Path to the TV Simulator executable...
如果你正好从别的编辑器转到VS Code也完全不用担心,它提供了对应的Keymap插件,可以将你的键盘设置迁移过来,帮你快速上手操作,而不用再重新花时间去适应快捷键。 image 而且它为每一种语言都提供了很好的支持,将开发中需要用到的Extension打包成一个合集,基本上开发的时候下载对应的Extension Package就可以获得很好...
File Management Utils For VS Code A lot of time is usually spent on organizing and managing files.File Utilsmakes the task more convenient. File Utils, an extension that enables you to create, duplicate, move, rename, and delete files and directories. ...