56. Deselect all - 取消全选 57. Invert selection - 反向选择 58. Undo last action - 撤销上一步操作 59. Redo last action - 重做上一步操作 60. Comment out selected lines - 注释选中行 61. Uncomment selected lines - 取消注释选中行 62. Toggle line comment - 切换行注释 63. Toggle block co...
VS Code常见插件的功能包括: • Colorization 代码着彩色 • Completion Lists 代码自动完成(使用...
VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) VS Code 快捷键(中英文对照版) 常用 General
Shift+Alt+← Shrink selection 缩小选择; Shift+Alt +(drag mouse) Column (box) selection 按住shift和alt按住鼠标左键拖动鼠标选择块; Ctrl+Shift+Alt+ (arrow key) Column (box) selection 按住shift+alt+ctrl三个键,通过箭头键选择块; Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgUp/PgDn Column (box) selection page up/down 同...
F11 / ⇧F11 (^)Step into/ out F10 (^)Step over ⇧F5 (^)Stop ⌘K ⌘I (^)Show hover Integrated terminal ⌃` (^)Show integrated terminal ⌃⇧`Create new terminal ⌘C (^)Copy selection ⌘↑ / ↓ (^)Scroll up/down ...
O是Open,新打开一个Code 显示Display F11 1 Shift+Alt+0切换编辑器布局 Toggle editor layout 横竖布局互换 Shift+Alt+1把编辑器中文件放到第一组 Move Editor To FirstGroup Ctrl+ = / -放大/缩小 Zoom in/out Ctrl加上+ - 键 Ctrl+B切换侧栏可见性 Toggle Sidebar visibility 打开关闭侧边栏,下面都是此...
一、vs code 的常用快捷键 1、注释: a) 单行注释:[ctrl+k,ctrl+c] 或 ctrl+/ b) 取消单行注释:[ctrl+k,ctrl+u] (按下ctrl不放,再按k + u) c) 多行注释:[alt+shift+A] d) 多行注释:/** 2、移动行:alt+up/down 3、显示/隐藏左侧目录栏 ctrl + b ...
下一步/上一步 Step into/out F10 跳过Step over Ctrl + K Ctrl + I 显示悬停 Show hover 集成终端 Integrated terminal 按Press 功能Function Ctrl + ` 显示集成终端 Show integrated terminal Ctrl + Shift + ` 创建新终端 Create new terminal Ctrl + C 复制选定 Copy selection Ctrl + V 粘贴到活动端...
VS Code uses experiments to try out new features or progressively roll them out. Our experimentation framework calls out to a Microsoft-owned service and is therefore disabled when telemetry is disabled. However, if you want to disable experiments regardless of your telemetry preferences, you may ...
If it fails, it returns an error code. Remarks COM Signature From vsshell.idl: cpp# 复制 HRESULT IVsDocOutlineProvider::GetOutlineCaption( [in] VSOUTLINECAPTION nCaptionType, [out] BSTR* pbstrCaption ); Applies to 产品版本 Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 ...