编辑器与窗口管理新建文件: Ctrl+N文件之间切换: Ctrl+Tab打开一个新的VS Code编辑器: Ctrl+Shift+N关闭当前窗口: Ctrl+W关闭当前的VS Code编辑器: Ctrl+Shift+W切出一个新的编辑器窗口(最多3个): Ctrl+\切换左中右3个编辑器窗口的快捷键: Ctrl+1 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 格式调整代码行向左或向右缩进: Ctrl...
Count the code lines of the current file in real time. Usage Count in workspace Open the command palette and selectVSCodeCounter: Count lines in workspace. Count in any directory Open Explorer and right click on the folder. SelectCount lines in directory. ...
First there are the docstrings; these are for people who are going to be using your code without needing or wanting to know how it works. Docstrings can be turned into actual documentation. Consider the official Python documentation - What's available in each library and how to use it, no ...
Code SuggestPreview Break free from GitHub's limited, comment-only review feedback. With GitLens, you can suggest code changes directly from your IDE, just like editing a Google Doc. Provide feedback on any part of your project during a review—not just the lines changed in a PR.Learn mo...
0 再补充一个吧。VS Code支持workspace,而且可以同时打开多个workspace。有时候我们需要一眼区别出来,...
The application name of the editor, like 'VS Code'.appRoot: stringThe application root folder from which the editor is running. Note that the value is the empty string when running in an environment that has no representation of an application root folder....
有关VS Code 的各种配置 基于 msys2 配置 MinGW-w64 GCC 下载并安装 msys2 。 到路径 msys2安装路径\msys64\etc\pacman.d 下找到 mirrorlist 文件,并将国内大学镜像源(如清华、中科大等)提至最前。 这里只用到 .mingw32 、
30. Indent/Outdent Lines As you copy lines from one place or file to another, or as you make changes to the code, the code will often end up wrongly indented. This shortcut allows you to easily indent or outdent lines as necessary. Select multiple lines to move them all together. ...
Aggressive optimizations throughout the entire code base. 3.42 - Feb 05, 2014 Changed name from "VS10x Code Map" to "VS10x CodeMAP" (i.e. no space) to solve name collision with Microsoft's Code Map feature in VS2013 Ultimate (we were not looking for this...) ...
I am using VS Code to write markdown files. Is there any way to use a wordlist with technical terms, which is stored in a separate folder outside the opened markdown project, for autocompletion? At the moment the format of the wordlist with all technical terms is a text file which ...