使用方法:创建一个log目录在里面放置一个空的.gitignore文件,当你clone这个repo的时候git会自动的创建好一个空的log目录了 另外git 提供了一个全局的 .gitignore, 你可以在你的用户目录下创建 .gitignoreglobal 文件,以同样的规则来划定哪些文件是不需要版本控制的。 需要执行 git config --global core.excludesfil...
1、在gitlab主仓库页面找到clone,选择clone with HTTP下的url进行复制 2、找到本地路径,选择第一步git目录下,右键,找到git clone,上面url方框中粘贴你复制的url 三、使用visual studio code进行操作 1、点击左上角File,找到open folder,点击选择你本地的代码路径,即可在vscode中显示代码 2、新建本地分支从远程指定...
git clone [URL] url就是上一部中拷贝的远端仓库的URL。 用VS Code开启该目录 以上工作准备完毕后,打开VS Code,File-Open Folder 选择上面创建的目录。就可以看到,VS Code 会有个图标显示正在存取该目录的git资讯。 VS code执行基本操作 通过上面的步骤,我们开启的目录就已经纳入了Git管控,如果我们在VS中做一些...
GitLab contributorFelix Haaserecentlyimplemented a feature that lets you clone any GitLab project where you are a member. To clone the project, use the officialGit: Clonecommand and select your GitLab instance. Use theGit: Clonecommand by selecting the command from theCommand Palette. This featu...
git clone:用于克隆一个远程仓库 git pull:用于拉取远程仓库的更新并将更新合并到本地分支,它等于git fetch 加 git merge git push:将本地的修改提交到远程分支在这一节课的视频中,你可以看到如何利用Git命令以及Source Control来完成上面三个操作。17 介绍调试工具这一节课,我们会学习Activity Bar的第四个功能...
sudorpmkeys--importhttps://gitlab.com/paulcarroty/vscodium-deb-rpm-repo/-/raw/master/pub.gpg Add the repository: Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/Rocky Linux: printf"[gitlab.com_paulcarroty_vscodium_repo]\nname=download.vscodium.com\nbaseurl=https://download.vscodium.com/rpms/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=...
简介 A Safari extension to clone any GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repository in Visual Studio Code with just one click. All you need is Visual Studio Code installed on your Mac for this extension to work. Then just click the extension on any GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repo and it will...
Support for other providers (e.g. gitlab or bitbucket) is planned. GitHub Pull Requests and Issues Review and manage GitHub pull requests and issues GistPad Allows you to manage GitHub Gists entirely within the editor. You can open, create, delete, fork, star and clone gists, and then ...
git clone--depth 1 --branch 1.45.1 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode.git- 参数“--depth 1” 表示最近一次 commit 的代码- 参数“--branch 1.45.1” 表示tag 1.45.1 查看内容(zip) [root@anliventemptest]# du-h vscode-1.45.1/|tail-166M vscode-1.45.1/[root@anliventemptest]# ...
The wiki feature in GitLab 17.1 provides a more unified and efficient workflow: Easier and quicker cloning with a new repository clone button. This improves collaboration, and speeds up access to the wiki content for editing or viewing. A more obvious delete option in a more discoverable locatio...