editorUnnecessaryCode.border 编辑器中未使用的代码的边框颜色。 editorUnnecessaryCode.opacity 未使用的代码的在编辑器中显示的不透明度(例如 #000000c0 将以 75% 的不透明度显示代码)。对于高对比度主题,请使用 editorUnnecessaryCode.border 主题来为非必须代码添加下划线,以避免颜色淡化。 editorWarning.background 编...
Moving from IntelliJ IDEA/CLion to VS Code for Rust Lang and have used IntelliJ extensively for Java. Found it much easier to take a base scheme, make quick changes to the color scheme (to my taste for my lang I am using), and export a j...
uriScheme: stringThe custom uri scheme the editor registers to in the operating system.EventsonDidChangeLogLevel: Event<LogLevel>An Event which fires when the log level of the editor changes.onDidChangeShell: Event<string>An Event which fires when the default shell changes. This fires with ...
{"window.autoDetectColorScheme":true} Read more about the implementation here: microsoft/vscode#61519 microsoft/vscode#86600 microsoft/vscode#87405 VS Code Settings You can change your VS Code settings depending on your circle, this comes pretty handy if you have issues ready a font size of ...
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 如果没有执行下面命令就可以了,会自动安装gcc、g++、gdb等: sudo apt-get install build-essential ...
132k downloads on VS code marketplace and 550+ stars on the github, The one thing I like about this theme is the soothing colors of the syntax that match with the background shade. It has also an option to change the syntax color to high contrast colors. It has different options such...
Citing "passionate feedback" from developers (some called it "backlash") that was "very helpful, painful, and entertaining all at the same time," Microsoft reversed its decision to change the color of the icons for the Visual Studio Code editor.
{enabled:false},// 滚动条scrollBeyondLastLine:true,// 禁用缩略块folding:false});this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(()=>{this.resetParentHeight();});this.resetParentHeight();// 禁用键盘按键this.editor.onKeyDown((event)=>{event.stopPropagation();event.preventDefault();});},resetParentHeight...
Linux: $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json 工作区的设置文件在项目的根目录下的 .vscode 文件夹里 注意:在多根工作区的情况下,工作区设置位于工作区配置文件中。 特定语言的编辑器设置 若要按语言自定义编辑器,请运行全局命令首选项:Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings(命令id:workbench.action....
These values change depending upon the implemented Windows desktop scheme. The RGB value returned by the GetVSSysColorEx method is a 32-bit, Windows color value in the format of a COLORREF value. C++ code can directly use the returned RGB value by using the macros that support COL...