Tried to install the latest VS Build tools package and the installation failed and I received this error message: PackageId:Microsoft.Net.4.8.FullRedist.20H2;PackageAction:Install;PackageVersion:4.8.9037.6;ReturnCode:-2146498270; So I decided to rollback to the previous version to...
{"dependsOn":"Build",// 任务依赖"label":"Build and Download","type":"shell","command":"openocd","args": ["-f","interface/stlink.cfg","-f","target/stm32l1.cfg","-c","program ./build/${workspaceFolderBasename}.elf verify reset exit"],"problemMatcher": [] } 最后变成: 这个任务...
1、GDAL 源码下载 下载GDAL相应版本的 cource as a zip: 2、编译(nmake) 编译需用VS命令提示符,机器上之前安装的vs2017,nmake,发现是没有的,需要安装 Visual C++ Build Tools. 安装:Visual C++ Build Tools. 下载地址:
Many of you have told us that you still need the MSVC v140 toolset from Visual Studio 2015 to continue building older codebases. We’ve updated the Visual Studio Build Tools to include the v140 toolset from Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 includingthe most recent servicing release. You...
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll Subject to the License Terms for the software, you may copy and distribute the following files with your program: setup.exe (bootstrapper used to install Office Add-ins) Distributable Code Files for the Concurrency Visualizer Software Development Kit ...
如果不用 GCC/G++, MinGW 或者 MSYS2 64 只用古老的 VISUAL STUDIO EXPRESS 送的 CL.EXE, 恐怕也不失那么容易配置起来的。俺活生生浪费了三个晚上才摸清楚怎么用 VS CODE + CL.EXE 来编译一个简单的 HELLO WORLD. C++ Build Tools 2015提供了构建针对...
(1)STM32 VS Code Extension 运行VS Code,点击菜单View->Extensions,或者点击左侧栏Extensions(Ctrl+Shift+X),输入“STM32 VS Code Extension”,点击Install安装插件。 自动安装关联插件,共安装7个插件: Arm Assembly C/C++ CMake CMake Tools Embedded Tools ...
debugging is not supported. For additional macOS development tools choices, try Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac.Visual Studio Codeprovides a streamlined, extensible developer tool experience for macOS.Visual Studio for Macprovides a feature-rich IDE that enables you to build native macOS...
如何快速编译安装 Redis 一、编译安装 下载、解压 wget tar -zxvf redis...runtest-sentinel sentinel.conf src tests utils 编译完成之后,可以看到解压文件redis-3.0.7 中会有对应的src、conf等文件 这和windows下安装解压的文件一样...,大部分...
Many of you have told us that you still need the MSVC v140 toolset from Visual Studio 2015 to continue building older codebases. We’ve updated the Visual Studio Build Tools to include the v140 toolset from Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 includingthe most recent servicing release. You...