Now that the VS2017 Build Tools include the latest MSVC v140 compilers, we’re deprecating the old Visual C++ Build Tools from the VS2015 era. If you still need the v140 tools in your build or CI systems, you shoulddownload the Visual Studio Build If...
解决方法如下: 项目-->属性--->常规-->平台工具集--->选择 Visual Studio 2017 (v141)确定,就OK
解决方法如下: 项目-->属性--->常规-->平台工具集--->选择 Visual Studio 2017 (v141)确定,就OK
vs_buildtools.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.WebBuildTools The WebBuildTools will be installed at: prettyprint复制 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\WebApplications ...
The Visual Studio Community 2022 installer, currently 3.3.1070.38845, installing 17.2.0, allows to install the 2017 build tools for x86: The 2015 tools do are correctly installed and are detectable by vswhere from the CMake Tools extension for VSCode, but 2017 is not....
Iinstalledthe Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 using the link (at bottom under Other Tools and Frameworks) installing both workloads: Visual C++ build tools and Web development build tools. I kept the default folder. Based on quite a few articles, such asMicrosoft Web Application Targets is Missin...
您可以轻松修改它们以创建VS 2015 v140 MSVC工具的命令提示符。 如果进入文件夹C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Microsoft Visual Studio \ 2017 \ BuildTools \ VC \ Auxiliary \ Build,您会发现四个开发人员命令提示符(名为vcvars * .bat)。 选择任何一个,并创建一个副本进行编辑。
包括 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3、Visual Studio 2017、Visual Studio 2019 和最新版本 Visual Studio 2022 中提供的工具。 最低支持到vs2015 从这里来看,最低支持到vs2015,对于vs2013及更早的版本,只能去下载一个vs了。 vs build tools 如下所示 image-20220117191301987...
Visual Studio 2017 Support for iOS Development Visual Studio 2017 enables you to build and debug apps for iOS by using Apache Cordova, C++, Unity, or Xamarin and a Mac configured for iOS development when using remotebuild, vcremote, the Visual Studio Tools for Unity, or the Xamarin Mac Agen...