Frisk 最终使用她的决心试图拯救 Sans,但最终他被从存在中抹去,被 Chara 取代。虽然加斯特不记得这一点,但他确实在技术上做到了这一点。 Carl:那时候Chara被注入了仇恨,不再邪恶了。但这让我想知道,当 Gaster 想到他真正与 Chara 战斗时,他到底在想什么?他认为 Frisk 会扮演 Chara 的角色吗?任何。最终,Gaster...
Wiz:虽然 Chara 的速度足以以最惊人的速度挡住 Undyne 的长矛,但 Chara 在对抗喜剧浮雕 Sans 时遇到了更多麻烦。 Boomstick:哦,那场战斗激怒了很多人。 Wiz:正确,尽管与 Chara 谋杀的他的兄弟 Papyrus 相比,Sans 非常懒惰,但 Sans 设法通过向 Chara 爆破骨头并发送 Gaster Blasters 来对 Chara 毫不留情。 Boomst...
Idk about this one. How "Boomstick" said that gigyas attacked the present from the future, I don't see how that had anything to do with saving and loading. Also, the fate manipulation, we don't know if he would exactly use that in a battle. He might, but even then, frisk can li...
Battle Bus Battle of Britain BBC BBC Trust Beau Becket BECKETT Elisabeth BECKHOUGH Bedfordshire Police Belgravia BELSITO Francesco Ben Tallis; Anthony Butcher; Libertas; Bridget Rowe; Faragista Fan Club; Ganley Gang; Bent Coppers BERGERON Berlin Bernard CONNOLLEY Bernard Jenkin...
that has killed every monster in the underground just to stop frisk. After he kills the human, the boyfriend appears and wants to encounter him to a rap battle, but sans thinks he’s another one just like frisk, so he tries to kill him with the power of music, in the chara takes co...
Battle Bus Battle of Britain BBC BBC Trust Beau Becket BECKETT Elisabeth BECKHOUGH Bedfordshire Police Belgravia BELSITO Francesco Ben Tallis; Anthony Butcher; Libertas; Bridget Rowe; Faragista Fan Club; Ganley Gang; Bent Coppers BERGERON Berlin Bernard CONNOLLEY Bernard Jenkin...
Undertale反应噩梦化sans VS Chara Undertale React To Friday Night Dustin’ DEMO|| Part1/5 Fantasy Batch反应FNF 火柴人MOD exe们反应fatal error sonic vs fatal error sans[油管搬运] FNF Soft react to TERMINATION! || Friday night Funkin react to QT mod || EXE'S reacts to FNF You Ca...
[ 传说之下AU:双重尘埃 ]Fanon!Dustdust - HATEFUL-MANIAC (Sk's Cover/Take/Remix) 可爱的怪物BF FNF' Vs. Skeleton Bros GAMEPLAY (Preview WIP) - No More Deals REMIX (READ DESC) [FNF]gf的姐姐~嗯~针不戳 Chara fnf sexmod 地铁蹦迪(巨码) ...
Andrew Charambous Andrew Edwards Andrew FEAR Andrew Lambrou Charalambous Andrew Moffatt Andrew SMITH Andrew Smith; Power Policy; Wind Turbines; Nuclear; Nigel Farage; NuttAll; Chairman; Bannerman; EUkip; UKIP; Andris PIEBALGS MEP Andy FEAR Andy Huxley Cllr Andy Pandy Animal Farm ...
Winner... Mapusaurus Numbers, speed and agility won this battle for the mapusarus. "Somewhere on this island is the greatest predator that ever lived. Second greatest predator must take him down."Roland Tembo" "Jurassic park: The Lost World" ...