CTRL + K, CTRL + N下一个标签 ALT + F10调试-ApplyCodeChanges CTRL + ALT+ Break停止调试 CTRL + SHIFT + F9 取消所有断点 CTRL + F9允许中断 CTRL + SHIFT + F5调试-重新开始 F5运行调试 CTRL + F5运行不调试 F10跨过程序执行 F11单步逐句执行 CTRL + J列出成员 CTRL + PAGE DOWN下一个视图 CTRL...
VS Code的使用方法也很简单,下载安装,打开编辑器即可编辑任何文本内容,安装上各种拓展配置之后,就能极其顺手的编辑任何内容,所以也戏称为宇宙IDE。 VS Code 虽然也需要折腾一下,但是总体还是比 Vim 和 Emac 更加好上手的选择,所以写一篇后端开发配置的分享实践指南,希望能对各位后端开发的朋友们有所帮助。 # 内容...
The reference changes were NOT applied successfully, and the Reference Manager Dialog must close (e.g. the project was reloaded and state of project is unknown). APPLYRESULT_NotApplied 0 The reference changes were NOT applied successfully, but the Reference Manager Dialog may stay open (e.g....
暂存文件:在 Git 面板中点击文件旁的“+”按钮,或右键选择“Stage Changes”来暂存修改。 撤销文件更改:右键点击文件或文件夹,选择“Discard Changes”撤销当前修改。 查看提交历史:安装 Git History 扩展,右键点击文件或文件夹,选择“查看历史”来查看文件的提交记录。 查看文件差异:在 Git 面板中点击文件名称,VSCode...
As you copy lines from one place or file to another, or as you make changes to the code, the code will often end up wrongly indented. This shortcut allows you to easily indent or outdent lines as necessary. Select multiple lines to move them all together. ...
upgrade-assistant upgrade .\CSFrameworkV6.CodeGenerator.sln 四、选择命令,选择 入口点 (Select an entrypoint) 输入1, 1. Apply next step (Select an entrypoint), 按回车。 五、一直按回车,直到升级完成。 选择升级的项目:此期间要选择升级的项目(Project),按回车默认选择第1个项目开始。 创建备份:按回车...
Extends VS Code's built-in markdown preview. Includes Github's Dark and Light themes, along with Github's dark dimmed, high contrast, and color blind accessible themes. Customize styling using your ownmarkdown.stylescss Make sure you apply your styles to the.github-markdown-bodyinstead of ju...
Summary When running VS Code find and replace across multiple files, with format on save enabled, the full file content is sometimes replaced with the content of a different file. This seems to only happen when the workspace includes mul...
An Event which fires when the log level of the editor changes.onDidChangeShell: Event<string>An Event which fires when the default shell changes. This fires with the new shell path.onDidChangeTelemetryEnabled: Event<boolean>An Event which fires when the user enabled or disables telemetry. ...