多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection Alt +单击插入光标 Insert cursor 按住Alt键,可以插入多个光标 Ctrl + Alt +↑/↓在上/下插入光标 Insert cursor above / below 用在行首或者列表插入内容很好用 Ctrl + U撤消上一个光标操作 Undo last cursor operation 光标回退,回到前几个位置,但不影响操做过的内容...
VSCURSOR_SIZE_NWSE 34 Resize (counterclockwise) cursor. VSCURSOR_SPLIT_EW 37 Horizontal split cursor. VSCURSOR_SPLIT_NS 38 Vertical split cursor. VSCURSOR_UPARROW 39 Up arrow cursor. VSCURSOR_WAIT 40 Wait cursor. Applies to 产品版本 Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 本文...
Aside from the whole idea of being lightweight and starting quickly, Visual Studio Code has IntelliSense code completion for variables, methods, and imported modules; graphical debugging; linting, multi-cursor editing, parameter hints, and other powerful editing features; snazzy code navigation and ...
CommandWindowCursorDown 12553 Command window cursor down CommandWindowCursorLeft 12554 Command window cursor left CommandWindowCursorRight 12555 Command window cursor right CommandWindowHistoryUp 12556 Command window history up CommandWindowHistoryDown 12557 Command window history down Remarks...
与VS code 代码自动格式化3(vue2 代码自动格式化)不同点有三处 1、[vue]:"editor.defaultFormatter":"dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"改为“octref.vetur” 2、[javascript]:"editor.defaultFormatter":"HookyQR.beautify"改为“esbenp.prettier-vscode” 3、新增 "editor.formatOnSave": true ...
"editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd", "editor.formatOnPaste": true, "guides.enabled": false, "eslint.format.enable": true, //autoFix默认开启,只需输入字符串数组即可 "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "vue", "html" ], "[vue]": { ...
atomKeymap.promptV3Features":true,"editor.multiCursorModifier":"ctrlCmd","editor.formatOnPaste":true,"python.pythonPath":"python3","command":"python3",} 工作区设置 { "python.pythonPath" 浏览625提问于2018-01-07得票数 41 6回答 无法导入Django.shortcuts ...