[Huawei-ospf-1]int e0/0/0 (转入需要建立VRRP的接口) [Huawei-Ethernet0/0/0]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip设置VRRP 虚拟路由ID号和虚拟IP地址:) [Huawei-Ethernet0/0/0]vrrp vrid 1 priority 120(设置VRRP设备优先级:) [Huawei-Ethernet0/0/0]vrrp vrid 1 preempt-mode timer delay 20(设...
master 和 backup 节点配置文件一样 vi /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf vrrp_sync_group VI_GOP_NC1_HA { group { VI_GOP_NC1_HA_PRI } } vrrp_instance VI_GOP_NC1
router_id n1 #当前标识当前主机 vrrp_mcast_group4 #配置组播地址,集群中通常不会使用默认的组播地址 } vrrp_instance VI_1 { #当前节点所属的虚拟路由的名称 state MASTER #当前节点的状态,有Master和Backup两种状态 interface ens33 #定义vrrp地址绑定在哪个接口 virtual_router_id 51 #虚拟路由...
keepalived 参数进阶(vrrp_instance) 02 #如果不指定Master或者BACKUP,那priority最高的就是master 03 04 interface eth0 05 #监听的实际网口 06 07 virtual_router_id 51 08 #组播ID,通过224.0.0.18可以监听到现在已经存在的VRRP ID,最好不要跟现有ID冲突 09 10 priority 100 11 #权重为100,权重数字越大就越...
I have two vrrp instances but one of them fails with: WARNING - interface ens256 for vrrp_instance SdVip41 doesn't exist Keepalived version tester@ubuntu:~$ docker exec -it keepalived-s104 keepalived --version Keepalived v2.0.7 (08/23,20...
Describe Swap virtual_router_id of two vrrp instance(same interface) cause vip loss To Reproduce Swap virtual_router_id of two vrrp instance(same interface) , and do keepalived reload(not restart) Expected behavior vip will not loss Keep...
Figure 4-26 Network diagram of VRRP association with an NQA test instance DeviceA and DeviceB run VRRP. An NQA test instance is created on DeviceA to detect the reachability of the destination IP address If the status of the NQA test instance is Failed, DeviceA reduces its prio...
hwVrrpCfgTable hwVrrpStatExtTable hwVrrpTrackIpsecInstanceTable Description of Alarm Objects Unsupported Objects HUAWEI-AUTODIAGNOSE-MIB (Common AP) HUAWEI-WLAN-CONFIGURATION-MIB (Common AP) HUAWEI-WLAN-GLOBAL-MIB (Common AP) HUAWEI-WLAN-AP-MIB (Common AP) HUAWEI-WLAN-AP-UPDATE-MIB (Common AP) ...
为了保证交换网络的可靠性,l3sw交换机和l2sw交换机启用MSTP,并且配置VRRP使L3SW1作为VLN10的活动网关以及VLN20的备份网关。L3SW2作为vlan20的活动网 关以及vlan10的备份网关,并且在跟踪上行接口的状态。 LS3SW1(config)#spanning-treeLS3SW1(config)# spanning-tree
1) VRRP Instance VRRP实例 2) pseudo-VRRP 伪VRRP 3) EX For Example 例,实例,例如 4) case[英][keɪs] [美][kes] 实例 1. Research on Case Based Reasoning in Plastics Injection Mold Design; 基于实例推理的注塑模结构设计研究 2.