Apr 12 00:25:30 Keepalived_vrrp[1160285]: Track script check_bgp is already running, expect idle - skipping run Does anybody have an idea what caused thetimed_outmessage? I meankillall -0isn't a thing what is running seconds over seconds...There were also no issues on the server, no...
vrrp_script chk_nginx { script "/etc/keepalived/check_nginx.sh" interval 2 timeout 2 rise 2 fall 2 } # systecmctl reload keepalived 参考 What is "Signal 15 received"? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16723626/what-is-signal-15-received VRRP_Script timed out https://serverfault.com/que...
3、keepalived+nginx配置 3.1、准务nginx健康检查shell脚本 mkdir/usr/local/keepalived/scriptscat<<'CAT_END'> /usr/local/keepalived/scripts/check_web.sh#!/bin/shnginxpid=$(pidofnginx |wc-l) #1、判断Nginx是否存活,如果不存活则尝试启动Nginxif[ $nginxpid -eq0];thensystemctl start nginxsleep2#2、...
So, there are moments, when it takes 3+ seconds to accomplish a simple check! A believe, some folks shaking data bases hard to get some statistics. I can imagine KA shutting down an instance because of check script fails to finish intimeoutseconds until next successful check, but not loos...