VRDN-001是一种单克隆抗体,可以通过亚纳摩尔级别的亲和力结合和阻断IGF-1R信号通路。这种作用机制已在TED的临床实践中得到了验证。 此次公布数据的临床试验是一项双盲、安慰剂对照的1/2期试验,包括3 mg/kg、10 mg/kg、20 mg/kg三个剂量梯队,每个队列8名患者,随机分配6名患者接受VRDN-001,2 名患者接受安慰剂。
Objective: Report results from the first cohort of TED patients treated with 2 intravenous infusions of 10 mg/kg VRDN-001 from our phase 1/2 double-masked randomized clinical trial (NCT05176639).Background: IGF-1R antagonism can reduce TED-related inflammation and proptosis. We are evaluating ...
VRDN-001最初由赛诺菲研发,用于治疗肿瘤。Viridian引进其全球权益,开发甲状腺眼病适应症,泽纳仕生物则从Viridian引进VRDN-001的中国权益。 消息发布当日,Viridian Therapeutics 股价飙升20.7%,收于21.54美元。 关于3期THRIVE-2临床试验 THRIVE-2共招募了188 名患者,随机分配到 veligrotug(n = 125)和安慰剂(n = 63...
dosing regimens of VRDN-003 (e.g., a low volume subcutaneous injection once every 4 or 8 weeks) could achieve exposure levels of VRDN-003 that are equivalent to those of VRDN-001 that produced clinically...
therapeutics, inc., a biotechnology company, discover and develops treatments for serious and rare diseases. the company’s product pipeline includes vrdn-001, a monoclonal antibody targeting insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor that is in phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of thyroid eye ...
“2022 will be a significant year for Viridian. We have multiple upcoming clinical milestones in the year beginning with data from the Phase 1/2 proof of concept trial for VRDN-001 in the second quarter of 2022, followed by data from the planned Phase 1 trial for VRDN-002 in mid-2022...
Objective: Report the interim safety and pharmacodynamic (PD) results for healthy volunteers from a phase 1/2 clinical trial (NCT05176639) evaluating VRDN-001 intravenously administered at 3–20 mg/kg.Background: Clinical and preclinical studies have confirmed insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor ...
VRDN-001 is a humanized IgG1魏 monoclonal antibody that binds to human insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and inhibits its activation.Design/Methods: Our first phase 1/2 trial will be a randomized, placebo-controlled multiple ascending dose (MAD) study in healthy volunteers and ...
VRDN-001 shut down IGF-1R signaling at concentrations that can be achieved with moderate clinical doses. The in vitro profile of VRDN-001 suggests favorable efficacy and exposure requirements for treatment of TED patients. A phase 1/2 trial for VRDN-001 in healthy volunteers and TED patients...