You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password(s) for your User Account and any Third-Party Accounts (each an “Account”), and you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your Accounts. If you have reason to believe that your Account is no lon...
1 注册账号该填的都填了且显示✓但注册按钮点击无反应 注册有谷歌人机验证,需要魔法/加速 加速后弹出的谷歌人机验证 没魔法?Steam++(已更名watt tookit)的自带加速也行(百度上搜有官网) 2 注册好后想换名字/密码/绑定 登录网页,点击箭头朝向齿轮,第一行就是,注意修改后有90天冷却,改邮箱密码和设置手机令牌都...