分享6赞 vrchat吧 Tychus- 【求助】VRCHAT的SDK登陆不上怎么办一直显示连接超时,科学上??也没用 192 vrchat吧 贴吧用户_Qy476UV 玩vrchat黑屏用电脑玩的,玩其他的游戏都不卡,就是玩vrchat时很多次都是直接黑屏(并不是屏幕与主机的接线问题),主机也还在运行,等屏幕好了反应过来的时候vrchat就已经是无响应了。还有...
For the latest information, visit VRChat's [feedback board](https://feedback.vrchat.com/), [forum](https://ask.vrchat.com/c/official/31), and [SDK release notes](/releases/). ::: |Status|Name| |---|---| |Beta[^5]|[Save & Load persistent World Data](https://feedback.vrchat...
The Unity Project-and-Embedded Package approach no longer works since we merged ClientSim into the VRChat SDK, so we've removed all the unusable bits. * Removing the Tests folder from the source. This is unfortunate, but they're not currently working - we've got tasks to fix them up ...
Distro:Freedesktop SDK 24.08 (Flatpak runtime) Kernel:6.11.5-arch1-1 RAM:32 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 565.57.01 GPU:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB CPU:Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.80GHz TCAtrevor(5 reports) 19 hours overall TCAtrevor (5 reports) 19 hours overall4 months ago Enough fun to play with...
It's good to block out the negative shit for sure, and while I haven't played in a long time, I did actually have a modified client or sdk, can't remember which. There was a character model I really wanted to use but could not for the life of m...
VRCFaceTracking - allow AV3 Avatars to interact with Vive SRanipal Eye and Lip Tracking SDK MagicChatbox - OSC chatbox companion, manager, editor Shaders Shaderforge - Free node based shader editor that just went MIT license ShaderProject - Container for all sorts of handy shaders in Unity3D...
If you're a creator, make sure you grab the latest SDK available here: https://vrchat.com/home/download Here's a few highlights from our Release Notes. Please check the link above for the full documentation! ClientFeatures - You might have noticed that we've released a new Hub! Our...
真想有哪一天可以和大伙摆pose拍照,或者摸摸他们的小脑袋啊~ +3 分享5147 vrchat吧 Tychus- 【求助】VRCHAT的SDK登陆不上怎么办一直显示连接超时,科学上??也没用 192 vrchat吧 洛风与枫♬ 求求大佬教教我怎么用一体机玩VRchat原本想让VR串流电脑玩…结果电脑配置不够玩不了,能不能直接安装到一体机上去玩啊...
A list of domains used by VRChat worlds (and VRChat itself, and its SDK, and...) for advertising or tracking purposes. Why Ads are cringe. Additionally, VRChat's security model for HTTP requests is fundamentally broken. You have the option to deny requests to all domains except those on ...
(This is **not** currently mentioned by the warning in the SDK.) ::: # Spine Hierarchy :::danger Your rig has the UPPERCHEST mapped in the Humanoid Rig. This will cause problems with IK. **This warning does not appear for SDK3 avatars, as they have no problem with using armatures...